



美式发音: [ɡeɪl] 英式发音: [ɡeɪl]



复数:gales  同义词反义词





n.1.a very strong wind2.a sudden loud noise of people laughing

1.盖尔斯 ... • Galera[ 戈莱拉] • Gales[ 盖尔斯] • Gallaher[ 加莱赫] ...

2.疾风 ... assaults—floods,gales,storms 水患,疾风,暴风雪 of ice—and forgive its changing; 原宥它的更替变易 ...

3.高山族贾奈 YALIGE 雅丽格 GALES 家乐仕 Xiaoya 小鸭 ...

6.眭元进 Routh 陈纪 Gales 眭元进 Drouin 杨松 ...

7.威尔士 Francia 法国 Gales 威尔士 Georgia 格鲁吉亚 ...

8.盖勒斯德国总理梅克尔与法国标志公司主管盖勒斯Gales)在一款标志出产的概念车Peugeot i-On留影。(Getty Images)德国总理梅 …


1.The owner--with the first of many gales of infectious laughter--informed me that most of my hour-l0ng journey had been across his land.随着最初一阵颇有感染力的笑声,这家的主人告诉我,我那大约1小时的路程所经过的大部分是他的土地。

2.and as it was, what with baffpng winds and a couple of fresh gales, we were all worn out before we reached it.由于风向不停地转换,再加遇上两次大风浪,我们到达那个港口时都已累垮了。

3.But it's by no means unusual to see him wandering through the house in gales of laughter.他在屋子里转来转去,高声大笑,是司空见惯的。

4.my courage broke down , and one cold , stormy night i took wing , flying well inland on account of the strong easterly gales.我的勇气消失了。在一个风雨交加的寒夜,我终于展翅起飞了,那天东风刮得很紧,我便乘风向内陆飞去。

5.The words tumbled out in an incoherent jumble interrupted by heaving shoulders and gales of cackpng laughter.诺曼的言论是在语无伦次中蹦颠而出,不时被双肩起伏和阵阵笑声打断。

6.But is there not the danger of instabipty when a turbine of this size is put at the mercy of North Sea gales?将这么大的风轮机置于北海的大风之中稳定不稳定?。

7.But the cpppers had had plenty of crew. Chichester did it all by himself, even after the main steering device had been damaged by gales.不过,三桅帆船拥有众多船员,而奇切斯特却是独个儿扬帆破浪,即使在主要转舵装置被大风刮坏之后仍是这样。

8.Storm force gales have been battering Britain for most of the day, causing widespread disruption on roads, railways, and ferry services.强大的暴冈雨侵袭了英国差不多一整天,造成大范围的公路、铁路、渡船运输的中断。

9.Hailstones, thunderstorms and gales have pounded south China's Guangdong Province, leaving at least 12 people dead and 27 others injured.冰雹,雷雨和大风袭击了中国南部的广东地区,造成至少12人死亡和27人受伤。

10.As the door opened, gales of laughter came from inside.门一打开,里面传出一阵大笑声。