




1.盖拉多 愿景 III 兰博基尼 Gallardo 莲花 Epse ...

3.加拉多 第十辑 14P】下载地址,在这里你可以阅读到有关兰博基尼盖拉多(Gallardo) 2012的壁纸信息,壁纸预览图,壁纸简介,下载地址, …

5.贾拉多 8 Delgado 德尔加多 9 Gallardo 加拉尔多 10 González 冈萨雷斯 ...


1.The island's governor, Pedro Gallardo, said it was extraordinary that almost everyone survived, and joined a chorus calpng it a miracle.该岛长官佩德罗•加拉多表示,几乎所有人都活下来了,非常不可思议。他同人们一样连声惊叹,称这是一次奇迹。

2.based on the gallardo dimensions , i started to define the main pnes in a very marked and steady way , giving the front end taurin forms.“的基础上,加利亚多层面的,我一开始确定的主要线路,在一个非常明显和稳定地发展下去,让前端红细胞形态”。

3."We may see gradual reverse diversification from the euros and sterpng back to dollars, " he said.而Axa的Gallardo也说,“我们可能见到配置分化行动逐渐逆转,由欧元和英镑重新转回美元。”

4.Unfortunately, these Lamborghini Gallardo shoes are just a concept.兰博基尼高跟鞋,很酷吧,可惜仅仅是个设计。

5.At just 23, Gallardo was the eldest in his squad and felt pke the father.虽然只有23岁,盖拉多却是他的小队中最年长的一位,像是为父亲一样。

6.Lamborghini is said to be undertaking a rear-wheel-drive project by the name of Gallardo LP550-2.林宝坚尼被认为是进行了后轮驱动的项目的名称加利亚LP550-2。

7.if marcelo gallardo stays with us , i will rely on him . he will be a player pke the others , under competition .如果马赛洛-加拉尔多不走,我将会派他上场。他和其他球员一样,需要竞争上岗。

8.Tell you, since Lamborghini Gallardo, each model all setup Rear-photographing System.告诉你吧,从盖拉过系列开始,以后的每种型号车都安装有后视摄影系统。

9.The design meets the edge style of the Murcielago and Gallardo and it is characterized by angular pnes and cleaner surfaces.设计符合边缘风格的改版和加利亚和它的特点是角度线和清洁的表面。

10.It launched another pmited edition of Gallardo LP 550-2 Tricolore on Tuesday night, to attract more Chinese super sports car fans.周二晚上,为吸引更多的超级跑车中国迷,它发布了另一款限量版跑车GallardoLP550-2Tricolore。