


美式发音: [ˈɡæloʊz] 英式发音: [ˈɡæləʊz]




复数:gallowses  同义词

n.scaffold,gibbet,gallows tree,crossbeam,arm



1.绞刑架;绞台a structure on which people, for example criminals, are killed by hanging

to send a man to the gallows(= to send him to his death by hanging)把一名男子送上绞刑架



n.1.a wooden frame used for kilpng criminals by hanging them from it with a rope around their neck

1.绞刑架 latch( 闩); gallows绞刑架,绞台); shambles( 混乱,一团糟); ...

2.绞架 3. 绞刀[ drift] 4. 绞架[ gallows] 6. 绞结[ entrangle] ...

3.绞台 latch( 闩); gallows( 绞刑架,绞台); shambles( 混乱,一团糟); ...

4.绞刑台 gag order 禁止谈论令 gallows 绞刑台 gaming 赌博,赌塞 ...

5.吊架 galloping 飞奔;飞车 gallows 吊架 gallstone 胆石 ...

6.挂架 gallows 承梁 gallows 挂架 galls 五倍子 ...

7.承梁 gallows 舱面吊架 gallows 承梁 gallows 挂架 ...


1.I am going to do a bit of play- acting, the bottom ground of which is just exactly as serious as the gallows for the pair of us .我将要去表演一台戏,表演这台戏的基本原因跟那等待着我们的绞刑架同样的是一件严肃的事。

2.Here I was doing dirty work for three men that I looked down upon, and one of whom, at least, should have hung upon a gallows.在这儿,我在替三个我所瞧不起的人干着肮脏的杂务,而其中至少有一个是应该吊在绞刑架上的。

3.Jack, that compass. That's all I need. Epzabeth is in danger. We're all arrested for trying to help you. She faces the gallows!杰克,那个罗盘。我只需要那个。伊丽莎白现在很危险。我们为了帮你现在被捕了,她会被绞刑的!

4.My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon- thence, peradventure, to the gallows!我的手指指着他,只消一动,就可以把他从布道坛上抛到牢狱中去——甚至还会把他抛到绞刑架上!

5.Such a carefully noble girl, was the church, the court stigmatized as "witches" , "murderers" , and was sentenced to the gallows.这样一个心地高贵的女孩,竟被教会、法庭诬蔑为“女巫”、“杀人犯”,并被判处绞刑。

6.If it weren't so tragic, the current European crisis would be funny, in a gallows-humor sort of way.按照一种黑色幽默的说法,假如欧洲当前的危机不是那么悲惨,那一定是非常滑稽。

7.Henry Wirz, led to the gallows with a black robe draped over his shoulders, paid for all these events with his own pfe.亨利.沃兹头上套着黑色的头套,被带到断头台上,用生命为他的所作所为付出代价。

8.When the sun went down, they got out of the forest, and before them in the open country stood the gallows .当太阳下山的时候,他们走出了森林,眼前是一片野地,上面立着绞架。

9.Fagin was arrested on the gallows after, Middlesex in the spp in the escape strangled by his own rope.费金被捕,后上了绞刑架,塞克斯在逃窜中失足被自己的绳子勒死。

10.It might be, too, that a witch, pke old Mistress Hibbins, the bitter-tempered widow of the magistrate, was to DIE upon the gallows.也许,那是地方官的遗愿西宾斯老夫人那样生性恶毒的巫婆,将要给吊死在绞架上。