




1.何亮 ... 光明行 dualaudio&nbsp 何亮 Game of&n 苏一壹 yiyi ...

2.老少爷们打鬼子 女主播夏娃 Superman... 老少爷们打鬼子 Game of ... 风流三侠 Faster ...

3.不完全信息博弈of complete information)和不完全信息博弈(game of ) 不完全信息博弈( incomplete information). ) 河南科技学院 西方经济学 西...


1.What is the solution to this game of subordination to creators who do not know enough to guide any creation home and are really false gods?什么是这场服从不足够知道指导任一造物回家、且确实是虚假神的造物者的游戏的解决方案?

2.In the whole process, what most impressed me was that the game of " look for the thing collectively" and " the great wall" .在整个过程中,给我印象最深的是“集体寻物”和“万里长城”这两个游戏。

3.The tenacious Obi-Wan Kenobi was back, and a daring game of cat and mouse played out among the rocky debris of the Geonosian rings.紧追不舍的欧比—万·克诺比又来了,他与费特父子在吉奥诺西斯星环的碎石中玩起猫捉老鼠的游戏。

4.Back on the train, we tuck into freshly prepared game of the kind we have been admiring.回到火车上,我们大嚼新鲜的野味,那是我们刚观赏过动物。

5.Like a game of dice, the garden cubes contain smaller cubes tipped on edge on a grass carpet, each one full of flowering plants.喜欢一场骰子的游戏,花园立方体包含在一张草地毯上的边缘上被装顶端的较小的立方体,充满开花植物的每一个。

6.Try sending her flowers "just because" . Buy him 2 tickets to a game of his favorite sport -- and go with him!比如:送花给她,没有任何理由;买两张他最喜爱的体育比赛的门票,陪他一起去!

7.It was said the brightly decorated eggs were left by the Easter rabbit for the country children, who made a game of finding the eggs.据说,五彩缤纷的彩蛋是复活节兔子为乡村的孩子们留下的。孩子们把找蛋作为一种游戏。

8."This is the last game of the year, a year which has been very difficult in the second part of it, " continued the former midfielder.“这是今年最后的一场比赛了。今年在下半年,我们的处境非常的困难。”安切洛蒂说。

9.A tennis fanatic as a child, it was the game of football that eventually stole her heart and set her on the road to an international career.她小时候迷恋网球,而最终是足球偷走她的心,让她走上了一条国际性的道路。

10.The key is not to be buzzword comppant or to join the trendy game of buzzword bashing.关键是不要盲目的追随这些时髦的词汇或者加入抨击这种流行词汇的游戏中。