




1.嘉喜有嘉喜(gardasil)与宝蓓(cervarix)两种疫苗可预防感染引发大多数子宫颈癌的人类乳突病毒(HPV)。经由半年内三剂的疫苗注射 …

2.加德西同问加德西(Gardasil) 宫颈癌疫苗中国哪里能接种? 2009-09-19 00:22 提问者: cherryhuhuiyu 回答 共1条 加德西(Gardasil) …

3.宫颈癌疫苗图表:默克公司宫颈癌疫苗Gardasil)销售情况 177图表:生物诊断技术在部分疾病上的应用 184图表:1996-2008年罗氏公 …

4.宫颈癌疫苗加德西紧随其后的是默沙东的宫颈癌疫苗加德西Gardasil),2008年该疫苗销售额达到23亿美元。 自1985年以来,在美国政府为儿 …

5.子宫颈癌疫苗加卫苗  子宫颈癌疫苗加卫苗 (Gardasil) 适用於九岁或以上的女性。於开始有性行为之前注射疫苗最为理想,而已经有性行为的女士亦 …

6.宫颈癌疫苗佳达修此外还有宫颈癌疫苗佳达修Gardasil)(2012年销售额16亿美元);突破性的抗HIV药Insentress(销售额15亿美元);带状 …


1.Dr. Abramson said he thought his C. D. C. advisory committee did the right thing in recommending Gardasil.艾博拉姆博士说,他认为他的CDC咨询委员会推荐加德西的决定是对的。

2.To exempt children from other vaccines, parents must provide a medical reason; for Gardasil, they do not.如果不给孩子接种其他疫苗,父母必须提供一份医学理由,而对于“加得西”则不需要。

3.Of the girls in the survey, 25 percent had gotten at least one Gardasil shot.调查的女孩中,有25%已至少注射过一次卡德西尔疫苗。

4.Merck tried to follow suit with Gardasil, a new vaccine that protects against a sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer.后者是可保护机体免受一种性传播病毒感染的新型疫苗,而这种病毒可引起子宫颈癌。

5.Gardasil protects against infection of four types of HPV, responsible for cervical cancer and genital warts.Gardasil可以预防HPV四种亚型的感染,而这些病毒可以引起宫颈癌和生殖器疣。

6.But with Gardasil's use having grown so fast, she added, "you inevitably find adverse events that you wouldn't have suspected. "“但是“加德西”使用增长得太快了,”她又说,“你不可避免的发现原本你未想到的不良事件。”

7.Surveys suggested doctors were choosing Gardasil for private vaccination of their own daughters.调查显示医生们为自己女儿私人选择接种Gardasil疫苗。

8.Women who receive GARDASIL should continue to undergo cervical cancer screening per standard of care.接受GARDASIL的女性应该按照护理标准继续接受子宫颈癌筛查。

9.So the ideal time to be vaccinated with Gardasil is before the female becomes sexually involved, not after.所以接种Gardasil的理想时间是女性在开始性活动以前,而不是以后。

10.Before the film "Sex and the City, " some moviegoers in the United States saw ads for Gardasil.在美国,电影《欲望都市》播放前,影迷们看到了“加德西”的广告。