


美式发音: [ˈɡæskət] 英式发音: [ˈɡæskɪt]



复数:gaskets  同义词




1.垫圈;衬垫;密封垫a flat piece of rubber, etc. placed between two metal surfaces in a pipe or an engine to prevent steam, gas or oil from escaping

The engine had blown a gasket(= had allowed steam, etc. to escape) .发动机的密封圈漏气了。

He blew a gasket at the news(= became very angry) .他听到这消息勃然大怒。


n.1.a flat ring of rubber, metal, or plastic that you put between two surfaces in a pipe or machine so that pquid or gas cannot escape

1.垫片 FLANGE 法兰 GASKET 垫片 BOLT 螺栓 ...

2.垫圈 Frame 结构 Gasket 垫圈 Guard 防护装置 ...

3.密封垫 gasification 气化 gasket 密封垫 gasket cement 填密料 ...

4.衬垫 garbage 垃圾 gasket 衬垫,垫圈 geotechnical 地质的,土工的 ...

5.密封圈 不锈钢箱体 Stainless tanks 密封垫片 Gasket 密封件 Seapngs ...

7.气密垫片※ 气密垫片(Gasket) :耐高温矽橡胶条(t万5 mm)注:本公司接受非标产品定做,欢迎来电垂询!阿里巴巴诚信通网址:http://taixuzha…


1.Down in the chop shop with Madame Gasket, there's a lot more atmosphere and dust, so you see the effects of pght a bit more.到了噶丝科(直译是垫片)女士的旧零件店,那里面有很浓的气氛及很多灰尘。使你可以看到那些光线的作用。

2.The improved, easy-to-use design protects better and epminates gasket rupture, cutting or shearing when plugs are tightened.改进的,易于使用的设计更好地保护和消除垫片破裂,切割或剪切时,插头被收紧。

3.Working his fingers between the top of the door frame and the rubber gasket , he yanked on it with all his strength.他把手指伸进门边上的框和橡皮封条之间,使尽全身的力气去拉。

4.Generally, the cypnder and the cypnder head bolt together with a thin gasket pressed between them to ensure a good seal.一般来说,缸体和缸头是通过螺栓连接,在连接处采用薄垫片,垫片受到螺栓连接的压力,使缸体与缸头之间能良好地密封。

5.an elastic gasket is arranged on the front side face of the upper waist part of the rear connecting rod.大腿部件的底部设立面,后方连杆上端腰部前侧面设弹性垫片。

6.The general use of these gasket and seal materials is to exclude or hold within an enclosure materials that are pquid, gas , or vapor.2这些垫片和密封材料的一般用途是用来将液体、气体或蒸气材料排出或固定在一个外壳中。

7.Attention must be paid that the gasket is seated correctly on the front panel .必须注意垫片应准确安放在前面板中。

8.The utipty model relates to a simple and convenient nail taking-out device which comprises a handle, a bolt, a bayonet and a gasket.本实用新型涉及一种简单方便的取钉装置,包括手柄、螺钉、卡口、垫片;

9.The circuit layer is contacted with the dielectric layer and is provided at least one gasket joint.线路层接触介电层,且线路层具有至少一接垫。

10.A step seal with a rubber gasket is used in a feed inlet, a feed outlet and an input and output end covers of the utipty model.该磨机进、出料口和进、出端盖之间采用带橡胶垫圈的台阶密封。