


美式发音: [ɡæsp] 英式发音: [ɡɑːsp]




第三人称单数:gasps  现在分词:gasping  过去式:gasped  同义词反义词






1.[i][t](尤指由于惊讶或疼痛而)喘气,喘息,倒抽气to take a quick deep breath with your mouth open, especially because you are surprised or in pain

She gasped at the wonderful view.如此美景使她惊讶得屏住了呼吸。

They gasped in astonishment at the news.他们听到这消息惊讶得倒抽了一口气。

‘What was that noise?’ he gasped.“那是什么声音?”他喘着气问。

2.[i][t]透不过气;气喘吁吁地说to have difficulty breathing or speaking

He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.他浮出水面急促地喘着气。

She managed to gasp out her name.她终于气喘吁吁地说出了她的名字。

‘Can't breathe,’ he gasped.“透不过气来了。”他气喘吁吁地说。

3.[i](informal)be gasping (for sth)渴望,很想要(尤指饮料或香烟)to want or need sth very badly, especially a drink or a cigarette


1.(常指由强烈情感引起的)深吸气,喘息,倒抽气a quick deep breath, usually caused by a strong emotion

to give a gasp of horror/surprise/repef惊恐得╱吃惊得倒抽一口气;如释重负地松一口气

His breath came in short gasps.他急促地喘着气。

v.1.喘,喘气;透不过气2.热望,切望 (after; for)3.喘着气说,气吁吁地说 (out)


v.1.to breathe in suddenly, for example because you are surprised, shocked, or in pain; to make a violent effort to breathe because you need more air

n.1.a sudden noisy breath that is usually caused by surprise, shock, or pain; an attempt to get enough air into your lungs by breathing in quickly

1.喘气 guzzle( 豪饮,狂吃); gasp喘气,喘息); gimme( 贪心的,贪婪)…

2.喘息 guzzle( 豪饮,狂吃); gasp( 喘气,喘息); gimme( 贪心的,贪婪)…

3.气喘 gangster n. 匪徒,歹徒 gasp v. 气喘;气吁吁地说 n.气喘 gear n. 齿轮;用具 ...

4.气喘吁吁 爱有来生 ETERNAL BELOVED 气喘吁吁 Gasp 无形杀 Invisible Killer ...

5.上气不接下气 flour 面粉 gasp 上气不接下气 grasp 抓住 ...

6.气吁吁地说 gang n. 一帮,一群,一伙 gasp n. 喘息,气喘v.喘息;气吁吁地说 gate n. 大门 ...

7.喘息,气喘 gap n. 缺口;差距;空白;缺乏 * gasp n. 喘息,气喘 v.喘息;气吁吁地说 lad n. 男孩,小伙子 ...

8.奄奄一息 ④signal 以动作向……示意 ①gasp 奄奄一息 ②hesitation 犹豫;踌躇 ...


1.By the end of the summer I had my answer: I needed to leave him, even if it meant getting a --gasp --roommate.在夏末,我有了答案:我得离开他,就算要有一个--啊--室友。当他回来时,我们好好地谈论了一番。

2.One of her biggest revolts was to have, gasp, married while still playing professional sports.在还在从事职业体育运动时就结婚被认为是她最大的叛逆行为之一。

3.Kathleen raced down the spde and let out a gasp as she passed through a tunnel .凯萨琳迅速溜下了滑梯,她通过隧道时,呼了一口气。

4.Still, the fight continued. Suddenly, the snake let out a great gasp and fell down on the rocky hillside.战斗仍在持续,突然,伴随着一个大喘气,蛇跌在长满岩石的山上。

5.It turned out there was quite a bit more . . . At the end she began to gasp. "Oh dear, oh my dear, oh my dear dear God, oh sugar! "结果,还差的可不是“一点点”…最后她开始呻吟。“哦亲爱的,哦我亲爱的,我的天啊,太美了!”

6.As hopeful as the pamphlets try to be everyone knows that these land banks are a last gasp at preserving something about (to be lost).虽然小册子尽显美好希望,但所有的人都知道这些土地储备是保护那些即将消失的最后一搏。

7.Now he ran eagerly forward, pushing his way through the fopage. He gave a gasp of repef. She was there, lying on the pine needles.他急不可待地跑上前,推开树叶,看到她在那里,躺在松叶上,心里松了一口气。

8.Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air.苏格拉底将他的头拉出水面,这个年轻人做的第一件事是喘气并深吸了一口空气

9.The NHL canceled what was left of its season after a round of last-gasp negotiations failed to resolve differences over a salary cap.年,因最后一轮谈判未能解决薪资上线分歧,全国曲棍球联合会的取消接下来的赛季。

10.After a minute or two we heard someone on the other side of the door. A low gasp.过了两分钟,我们听到了门的另一边的人。低喘。