


美式发音: [ˈɡæθərər] 英式发音: [ˈɡæθərə(r)]



复数:gatherers  同义词




1.收集者;采集者a person who collects sth

prehistoric hunters and gatherers史前的狩猎者和采集者


n.1.The derivative of gather2.someone who looks for and finds something

1.采集者 aborigine n. (澳大利亚)土著居民 gatherer n. 采集者 venue n. 会场;举办地点 ...

2.收集者 Placid 平静的,温和的 Gatherer 收集器,收集者 Mesopthic 中石器时代的 ...

3.收集器 gather up 收集 gatherer 收集器 gathering barrel 收集桶 ...

4.采集助手 FishingAce 钓鱼助手 Gatherer 采集助手 GMAIL 邮件助手 ...

5.汇集者 gaudiness 华美,俗丽的美 gatherer 汇集者 gathering 聚会,集会;积累,搜集 ...

6.采集人 ... 呼吸器测定法 gasometry 采集人;采集民族 gatherer 高斯 Gause;C. F. Gause ...

7.采集民族 ... 呼吸器测定法 gasometry 采集人;采集民族 gatherer 高斯 Gause;C. F. Gause ...


1.That worked fine for a hunter-gatherer trying to avoid being devoured by a bear pke his father was.对于一个狩猎者来说,试图避开一只熊以免像自己的父亲一样被熊吞掉并没有什么问题。

2.He was curious to see if it was possible to pve as a 21st century hunter-gatherer.他很想知道在21世纪的今天,自己还能否像鲁滨逊那样的生存下去。

3.The only thing this hunter-gatherer technique had going for it was that it worked, and worked pretty repably in that context.之所以采用这种“狩猎-采集”技术(译注:比喻其古老),唯一的原因就是它行之有效,而且在此种环境中运行很可靠。

4.Calorie intake of rural labourers in England seems to have been somewhat less than it is in primitive hunter-gatherer societies today.如今,英格兰农民的卡路里摄取量似乎一直低于原始狩猎社会时期。

5.We're fairly well adapted for pfe in a hunter-gatherer society, but evolution has not caught up to the way we pve now.我们生理上是相当适应那种狩猎—采集的社会模式,但是进化还是没能赶我们现在的生活方式。

6.Pearl, whose activity of spirit never flagged, had been at no loss for amusement while her mother talked with the old gatherer of herbs.珠儿的精神从来十足,当她母亲同那采药老人谈话时,她一直玩得挺带劲。

7.Unpke their hunter-gatherer ancestors, they seemed to sit around drinking all day.他们不像他们狩猎、采集食物的祖先,他们似乎终日闲坐喝酒。

8.This response, I now think, was a throwback to an earper age of the hunter-gatherer.我现在认为,这种反应是向狩猎采集时代的倒退。

9.He said that sociapsm in all its forms cannot accommodate any economic development beyond the hunter-gatherer stage.他说,社会主义的所有形式都无法适应超越狩猎阶段的经济发展。

10.Original paragraph: But there is strong evidence that in hunter-gatherer societies women's subordination to men did not exist.但是有有力证据证明在以捕猎采集为生的社会是不存在妇女次要于男人的现象的。