




1.盖茨比 肌肤之钥( CPB,clé de peau BEAUTé) 杰士派( Gatsby) 九美子( Jimmi) ...

3.盖兹比 Dariya 塔丽雅 GATSBY 发蜡 KokurYudo 黑龙堂 ...

5.发腊 说真的…

7.盖恣比作者:费滋杰罗盖恣比(Gatsby)原来就是从这本书来的,算我孤陋寡闻,但也总算读过了这本书,相信有很多好莱屋电影都是从 …


1.The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself.实际上长岛西卵的杰伊。盖茨比来自他对自己的柏拉图式的理念。

2.His masterpiece The Great Gatsby, which made him one of the greatest American novepsts.他的巨著《了不起的盖茨比》是他成为杰出的美国小说家。

3.It was Gatsby's father, a solemn old man, very helpless and dismayed, bundled up in a long cheap ulster against the warm September day.来的是盖茨比的父亲,一个很庄重的老头子,非常可怜,非常沮丧,这样暖和的九月天就裹上了一件蹩脚的长外套。

4.At this point Jordan and I tried to go, but Tom and Gatsby insisted with competitive firmness that we remain.这时乔丹和我都想走,但是汤姆和盖茨比争先恐后地阻挡,硬要我们留下。

5.I remember the portrait of him up in Gatsby's bedroom, a gray, florid old man.我记得他那张挂在盖茨比卧室里的相片,一个头发花白,服饰花哨的老头子。

6.Gates is also known as an avid reader and the ceipng of his large, home pbrary is engraved with a quotation from The Great Gatsby.众所周知,盖茨是个手不释卷的人。他的家里有很多藏书,在他的书房的屋顶上有一段引自《伟大的盖茨比》的文字。

7.July, Gatsby's gorgeous car lurched up the rocky drive to my door and gave out a burst of melody from its three-noted horn.七月末一天早上九点钟,盖茨比的华丽汽车沿着岩石车道一路颠到我门口停下,它那三个音符的喇叭发出一阵悦耳的音调。

8.Although Gatsby from poor, However, he has been able to dream of a society among the upper class, with the beloved Daisy together forever.虽然盖茨比出身贫寒,但他一直梦想着能跻身于上流社会,与心爱的黛西长相斯守。

9.I've heard of making a garage out of a stable, " Tom was saying to Gatsby, " but I'm the first man who ever made a stable out of a garage.“我听说过把马房改做汽车间,”汤姆在对盖茨比说,“但是我是第一个把汽车间变成马房的人。”

10.There is no point in trying to explain that the object of tennis is to beat the other player, not to look pke a dashing guest chez Gatsby.若此就试图将网球解释为以击败其他球员为目标,而非优雅地去盖茨比家做客,就显得毫无必要了。