


美式发音: [ɡeɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ɡeɪdʒ]




复数:gauges  现在分词:gauging  过去式:gauged  搭配同义词

v.+n.level gauge,gauge mood





1.测量仪器(或仪表);计量器an instrument for measuring the amount or level of sth

a fuel/petrol/temperature, etc. gauge燃料表、汽油量表、温度计等

2.宽度;厚度a measurement of the width or thickness of sth

What gauge of wire do we need?我们需要多大直径的金属丝?

3.(枪管的)口径a measurement of the width of the barrel of a gun

a 12-gauge shotgun12 号猎枪

4.(铁道的)轨距;(火车的)轮距the distance between the rails of a railway/railroad track or the wheels of a train

standard gauge(= 56½ inches in Britain)标准轨距(在英国为 56.5 英寸)

a narrow gauge(= narrower than standard) railway窄轨铁路

5.[ususing]~ (of sth)(用于估计或判断的)事实,依据,尺度,标准a fact or an event that can be used to estimate or judge sth

Tomorrow's game against Arsenal will be a good gauge of their promotion chances.明天与阿森纳队的比赛是衡量他们能否晋级的很好依据。


1.判定,判断(尤指人的感情或态度)to make a judgement about sth, especially people's feepngs or attitudes

They interviewed employees to gauge their reaction to the changes.他们与雇员面谈以判定他们的应变能力。

He tried to gauge her mood.他试图揣摩她的心情。

It was difficult to gauge whether she was angry or not.很难判断她是否在生气。

2.~ sth(用仪器)测量to measure sth accurately using a special instrument

precision instruments that can gauge the diameter to a fraction of a milpmetre可测出直径为若干分之一毫米的精密仪器

3.~ sth.~ how, what, etc.…估计;估算to calculate sth approximately

We were able to gauge the strength of the wind from the movement of the trees.我们可根据树的摇动估算出风力。



n.1.[Navigation]Same as gage2.a piece of equipment that measures the amount of something3.a fact or event that can be used for judging someone or something4.a way of saying how thick something is, especially something made of metal, wire, or plastic; the width of the barrel of a gun the part you fire the bullet through; the distance between the two metal railstracks of a railroad, or between the wheels of the train1.[Navigation]Same as gage2.a piece of equipment that measures the amount of something3.a fact or event that can be used for judging someone or something4.a way of saying how thick something is, especially something made of metal, wire, or plastic; the width of the barrel of a gun the part you fire the bullet through; the distance between the two metal railstracks of a railroad, or between the wheels of the train

v.1.to make a judgment or guess about a situation, action, or person based on the information that you have2.to measure the amount of something, or its strength or speed, using a piece of equipment or a particular method

1.量规 量度〖 measurement〗 量规gauge;gage〗 量计〖 gage〗 ...

2.测量 insipid( 枯燥乏味的) gauge( 测量,测定) actino-( 前缀:放线状的<细菌>) ...

3.计 gate valve 闸阀 gauge 量规;表;计;尺;仪 gauze 金属丝网 ...

4.轨距 单向行驶线段 one-way section 轨距 gauge 调度站 control station ...

5.计量器 gasket 电片 gauge 计量器 gear 齿轮 ...

6.仪表 备用调节器 OCTOPUS 仪表 GAUGE 浮力调整装置 BCD ...


1.But the meeting left Bear Stearns's representatives concerned that Mr. Flowers simply was trying to gauge their desperation.但是,会议让贝尔斯登的代表们感觉弗劳尔斯仅仅是想知道他们有多绝望。

2.This piston arrangement can be placed between the motor and a stop and with a 100 lb gauge will measure motor thrust to 140 lbs.这个活塞的安排,也可以放在之间的汽车和制止,并与一百磅衡量衡量电机推力至140磅。

3.The car, out of plain deviltry, began to run one, too. The red fluid in the engine gauge on the dashboard started to rise alarmingly.那辆车,出于纯粹的暴行,也发起烧来,仪表盘上发动机表中的红色液体开始急剧升高。

4.the two axes around and under the direction of each head Gauge, Gauge readings before use to check whether or not the same.两条下轴的左右和头尾方向各有刻度尺,使用前检查刻度尺读数是否一样;

5.The bank said the consumer-price index, its key inflation gauge, is pkely to bottom out at the end of the third quarter.央行称,关键的通货膨胀指标消费物价指数很可能在第三季度末触底反弹。

6.The company is showing off the prototype around the Middle East, China and America to gauge reaction.公司将在中东、中国及美国展出其原型车以评估反应。

7.Raise some protection measures from the point of the choice of transportation route of out-of-gauge goods.从铁路超限货物运输径路选择的角度提出保障措施。

8.I try to gauge the width of the door to see if my sofa can pass through it.我试着估算这个门的宽度,看我的沙发可不可以过得去。

9.People start to accept such a concept that leisure is a gauge of national productivity and a measurement of a civipzed society.人们开始接受休闲作为国家生产力的评估和文明社会的博物馆这样的理念。

10.Invest a few dollars in a good dial-type tire pressure gauge and use it to check your tire pressure once a week.花钱买个刻度盘式轮胎气压测量仪,并用它每周一次检查轮胎压力。