




1.高更 ... 法国画家保罗·塞尚 Cezanne,1839--1906 法国画家保罗·高更 Gauguin,1848--1903 吉贝尔蒂 Ghiberti,1378--1…

3.画家高更 Irises 鸢尾花、 Gauguin 高更的 Arii Matamoe 王者的死亡、 ...

5.高更庚 罗西 Garcia-Rossi 高更庚 Gauguin 高更 Gauguin ...

6.画家介绍 ... Ettoday 新闻云 Gauguin 画家介绍 Print Screen 复制萤幕画面 ...

7.手足画家 ... Ettoday 新闻云 Gauguin 手足画家 Print Screen 复制萤幕画面 ...

8.法国画家髙更  法国画家髙更Gauguin)的作品传递了他绘画的理念:色彩就像是音乐的振动一样,我们利用纯熟的和声,创造象征(Symbol…


1.When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh bepeved that they would inspire each other's work. It was a tragic delusion.在阿勒斯时,梵高劝说保罗•高更加入他的创作队伍,他相信他们俩能激发彼此的灵感,有所裨益。

2.The only consolation was that Gauguin seemed quite taken with the Sunflowers.唯一令人欣慰的事情是,高更似乎还蛮欣赏这几幅向日葵。

3.Gauguin was one of the boldest, one of the freest artists around.高更是当时最大胆、自由的艺术家之一。

4.In a fit of epilepsy , van Gogh pursued his friend with an open razor, was stopped by Gauguin, but ended up cutting his own ear off.患有轻度癫癞症的他手持一把开封的剃刀追赶高更,被阻止,结果割下了自己的一只耳朵。

5.Gauguin who had exiled himself to Taihiti began to worry about his own role in the Van Gogh myth.在大溪地自我放逐的高更开始关心他在梵高神话中的地位。

6.Henri Paul Gauguin is another painter who is often grouped with the Impressionists but is categorized by some as a Post-Impressionist.亨利。保罗。高更,又一个画家,他经常与印象派画家为伍,但又被有些人归类为印象派油画家。

7.(as) Gauguin elected painting as a career when he was in his thirties.高更在三十之年选择了绘画为他的事业。

8.He could use paint as thickly and brightly as Gauguin, or brush it as a thin wash over deep, heavy sketches in pit charcoal.他可以着出像高更一样的厚重而明亮的色调,或者将薄薄的颜料上在又黑又侯的炭条素描上。

9.So Van Gogh had given Gauguin a symbol of gratitude and even disciple hood from within his own tradition.梵高秉持荷兰传统送画给高更,代表了感激与拜师之意。

10.Gauguin worked from the imagination and memory, van Gogh surrendered himself to nature.高更从想象和回忆中汲取灵感,梵高醉心于自然风光。