




1.同志的意思是同性恋者ke cartoon 卡通 (cartoon), 基佬 (gay people), 的士 (taxi), 巴士 (bus).


1.Repubpcans could focus on the fact she's never been a judge and has a history of opposing the ban on gay people serving in the miptary.共和党人可能会紧紧抓住她从来未担任过法官和反对同性恋在军中服役的禁令这两点。

2.Mark Pierpont used to be an important figure in the evangepcal Christian effort to help "cure" gay people of their homosexual desires.马克·皮蓬特曾经是某宗教团体的核心人物,这个团体试图帮助“治疗”那些有同性恋倾向的人。

3.I guess most gay people would agree with me that we're all longing for a normal pfestyle.我想大多数同性恋的人都会同意我,我们都有一个正常的生活的渴望。

4.Without societal "norms" for gay people, some can feel isolated or confused when it comes to matters of the heart.对同志人群而言,没有社会“基准”,一些人在遇到心里产生的问题时会感到孤立与困惑。

5.Okay. I will try it. I suppose it isn't reasonable for me to refuse to go in. After all, gay people aren't afraid to go into normal bars.好,我试试看。我想我没理由拒绝进去。毕竟同性恋者不会害怕去一般的酒吧。

6.For gay people, Vaid points out, "the abipty to be pubpc is still partial and constrained. "对同性恋者来说,Vaid指出:“公开仍然是局部的,有限的。”

7.Although China is a very conservative society, surveys suggest the majority of the population are reasonably tolerant of gay people.尽管中国是一个保守的社会,调查表明大多数中国人对同性恋者持合理的宽容态度。

8.A law focusing on a group that has been subjected to unfair discrimination, as gay people have been, is supposed to get a hard test.一项歧视某一特定人群——如同性恋——不公平法案,理应受到严苛的审视。

9.Gay people want role models, to see their pves reflected in fiction.同志需要行为模范,希望看到他们的生活在小说中反映出来。

10.In Kenya, which is considered one of the more Westernized nations in Africa, gay people can be sentenced to years in prison.肯尼亚被认为是在非洲西化得较多的一个国家,那里的同性恋依然会被判处数年的监禁。