




1.同性恋者 ... 男同性恋者 gay;berdache 男同性恋者与女同性恋者 gays and lesbians 男同性恋: gay,fag…

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1.In many major cities, at least, gays and lesbians no longer seem to need a safe place in the form of a store.至少,在许多主要的城市里,同性恋已不再需要商店这种形式的庇护之地了。

2.He hopes that after reading this story at least one person will start treating gays and lesbians in a more patient way.他希望在读过他的故事后,至少有一个人会以更宽容的方式来对待同性恋者。

3.Gays and lesbians do not choose their sexual orientation any more than heterosexuals do.男女同性恋不再像异性恋者那样选择自己的性取向。

4."I never said that, " he insisted, assuring us he would hire gays and lesbians who both were quapfied and shared his poptical views.“我从未说过这样的话。”他是这样强调的,并向我们保证他会任用那些能干并且与他政治观点相同的男、女同性恋的。

5.But the state's recognition of the rights of gender minorities, gays and lesbians has not come without a fight.但这个国家对性少数人群,男同,女同权力的承认,也是经过斗争才得来的。

6.Investment banks' efforts to recruit more gays and lesbians is partly an attempt to attract the most talented employees.投资银行着手招聘更多男女同性恋雇员,部分原因是希望以此吸引最有才华的员工。

7.Though homosexuapty is no longer a crime or psted as a mental illness in China, many gays and lesbians still choose to stay in the closet.尽管同性恋在中国已经不再是犯罪,也不再是一种精神疾病,很多的男女同性恋者依然没有选择出柜。

8.Gays and lesbians, when you fight against discrimination and a cure for AIDS, you are right, hut your patch is not big enough.同性恋者们,当你们反对歧视,争取艾滋病的治疗时,你们是对的,但你们的布料不够大。

9.Mostly, how does it hurt society on a whole if gays and lesbians are allowed to marry?主要是如果男女同志被获准结婚的话将会如何从基本上伤害到社会?

10.From Jamaica to South Africa, gays and lesbians continue to be the victims of vicious intolerance.从牙买加到南非,同性恋者继续成为这种恶毒的偏狭的受害者。