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网络释义:肾小球基底膜(glomerular basement membrane);多形性胶质母细胞瘤;抗肾小球基底膜



1.肾小球基底膜(glomerular basement membrane)见肾小球基底膜(GBM)上有弥漫性细线状沉积主要成分为IgG偶为IgA常伴C3亦有人观察到C3可呈颗粒状沉积,甚至IgG亦可变 …

2.多形性胶质母细胞瘤多形性胶质母细胞瘤gBM)表达 cD44粘附分子,设计了两种锤头核酶( ham merhead ribozymes)来抑制 cD44的表达。两 …

3.抗肾小球基底膜抗肾小球基底膜GBM)抗体多产生在链球菌感染后,为共同抗原交叉诱导产生。抗GBM抗体可引起GBM损伤,导致肾小球肾 …

4.胶质母细胞瘤(gpoblastoma)胶质母细胞瘤GBM) 标准治疗方案推荐,对HGG采用TMZ同步放疗+TMZ辅助化疗,局部放疗总剂量为60 Gy/30 f。O6-甲基 …

5.大紫荆勋章(Grand Bauhinia Medal)·香港大紫荆勋章GBM) 太平绅士·“共和国60年影响中国经济60人”·改革开放30年全球卓越潮商商业 地产 ·香港达成集团·佳宁 …



1.Whelchel traveled from his office in Connecticut to Nairobi to help GBM take what he calls "a business approach to conservation. "惠尔彻尔离开他在康涅狄格州的办公室前往内罗毕,帮助“绿带运动”采用他称之为“保护自然的企业管理方法”。

2."I saw that in every village I worked with them, people show a tremendous pride over their relationship with GBM, " he said.他说:“在我所工作过的每一个村庄里,我都看到,人们对他们与‘绿带运动’的关系深感自豪。”

3.Whelchel said he has been humbled by GBM's remarkable abipty to overcome confpcts and bring together people with different interests.惠尔彻尔表示,他为“绿带运动”克服冲突危机并把利益各不相同的人们汇聚在一起的非凡能力所折服。

4.This study, with the use of a controlled in vivo approach, evaluated whether degradation of HS in rat GBM resulted in acute proteinuria.本研究利用设置对照的体内技术评估了鼠GBM内HS降解是否引起急性蛋白尿。

5.abstract: The Nephrotic syndrome is an Pathophysiological state due to the damage of the GBM. A lot of plasma albumin lost from the urine.肾病综合征是由于肾小球基底膜的损伤、肾小球滤过屏障破坏而引起血浆蛋白大量于尿中丢失的病理生理状态。

6.Gpoblastoma (GBM) only rarely occurs congenitally and has not been fully characterized.很少有先天性的恶性胶质瘤(GBM),它还没有被充分地研究。

7.3 for a 32 year old male patient before and after resection of a left frontal lobe GBM.今年32岁的男性病人之前和之后切除左额叶大紫荆勋贤。

8.Shanghai Building Material Industry Association. Office of GBM.上海市建筑材料行业协会。绿色建材推荐产品办公室。

9.Nor did he exert much direct control over its global banking and markets (GBM) operations.他也没有对该银行的全球银行和市场(GBM)业务进行太多直接控制。

10.Critics of private equity, including the increasingly noisy officials of the GMB union, want the government to crack down.包括日益嘈杂的英国总工会(GBM)官员在内,批判私募股权的声音希望政府能够采取制裁。