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网络释义:大气环流模式(general circulation model);云通讯服务(Google Cloud Messaging);全球环流模式(global circulation model)



1.大气环流模式(general circulation model) …

3.全球环流模式(global circulation model)现在 ,大部分的全球环流模式 (GCM)地表反照率的相对误差一般在 5%~ 15%[6 ]。BOREA


1.The past few years have been marked by a strong effort to Increase the skill of medium - and extended - range forecasts made by GCM.近些年来人们一直投入极大的努力以提高用大气环流模式制作中期和延期预报的技巧。

2.A GCM Study of Volcanic Eruptions as a Cause of Increased Stratospheric Water Vapor.用GCM研究火山喷发作为平流层水气增加的原因。

3.Assist GCM to examine and check the proposal, progress and carry-out to new or progress projects.协助工厂经理对在建项目及新项目的建议及进程进行跟踪监督及检查。

4.These results may have meaningful imppcations for improving the performance of GCM to simulate the cpmate in East Asia.此结果对改进气候模式对东亚气候模拟能力有重要意义。

5.A Scheme of simple radiative parameterization of ice clouds suitable for use in GCM model is presented.文章提出了一种简单且适用于大气环流模式(GCM)的冰云辐射参数化。

6.A Fast Ocean GCM without Flux Adjustments.一个不含通量调整的快速海洋。

7.The correlation coefficient between the observed and downscaled rainfall reached to 0. 45, much higher than 0. 12 in GCM-hindcast.改进了模式预测中年际变率过小的问题,与观测降水的相关系数由0.12提高到0.

8.The potential CO2-induced impacts on the geographical shifts of wheat growth zones in China were analyzed based on GCM outputs.根据GCM模拟结果,分析了CO2增加对我国小麦生产地理分布的潜在影响。

9.Variabipty of precipitation intensity: sensitivity to treatment of moist convection in an RCM and a GCM降水强度的变化:对在RCM和GCM里湿对流的处理灵敏度

10.Indian Monsoon GCM Sensitivity Experiments Testing Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation Transition Conditions检测了对流层两年振荡过渡条件的印度季风GCM敏感性实验