


美式发音: [.dʒi si es 'i] 英式发音: [.dʒiː siː es 'iː]

n.(英国)普通中等教育证书(全写为 General Certificate of Secondary Education)

网络释义:普通中等教育证书(General Certificate of Secondary Education);普通中等教育证书考试;英国普通中等教育证书




1.(英国)普通中等教育证书(全写为 General Certificate of Secondary Education)the abbreviation forGeneral Certificate of Secondary Education (a British exam taken by students in England and Wales and some other countries, usually around the age of 16. GCSE can be taken in any of a range of subjects.)

She's got 10 GCSEs.她已获得 10 门学科的普通中等教育证书。

He's doing German at GCSE.他在学习普通中等教育证书的德语课程。

n.1.an exam for 16-year-olds in England and Wales that includes assessment of work completed during the year as well as a final exam.2.General Certificate of Secondary Education: an examination in a wide range of subjects taken by students in England and Wales, usually at the age of 15 or 16

1.普通中等教育证书(General Certificate of Secondary Education)三门普通中等教育证书GCSE)科目达到C级或以上程度 加上下列任一项: 适当的商业与技术教育委员会国家文凭或证书 VC…


3.英国普通中等教育证书同时, Edexcel 是英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)和普通教育高级证书(A-Level)的主要考试机构之一。Edexcel 的所有课程都由英 …

4.英国会考紧贴英国会考(GCSE)课程,令学生尽快适应英式学习模式目标为早日考进著名英国寄宿学校Tutorial College指导式学院 City Co…

5.中等教育普通证书在中等教育普通证书(GCSE)课程英语考试(或是当地的类似考试)中未取得C级或以上成绩的国际学生通常可以学习普通教育高级 …

6.中学会考的中学会考(GCSE)。下列是主要学段:关键阶段1:5岁一7岁:(小学)关键阶段2:7岁一11岁(小学)关键阶段3:11岁一14岁(中 …


1.The findings come just over a week after exam results revealed that the gap between boys and girls at GCSE is widening.该项研究结果在英国中学通用教育证书考试成绩公布的一周后推出,今年的考试结果男孩和女孩的成绩差距不断扩大。

2.The government is trying to do something. It wants to make GCSE maths and Engpsh tougher by bringing a "functional" element into the exams.政府也在尽力改进这一现状,试图通过把“实用性”要素放到考试里,使得GCSE的数学和英语更难。

3.He was 15 and just about to take his GCSEs when he started PPLParty. com, a social networking site, from his bedroom in Coventry.在考文垂自己的卧室里创办社交网站PPLParty网址被屏蔽时,布兰南只有15岁,正要考取英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)。

4.Jordan, who sat his final GCSE just weeks before Gracie arrived, said he understands responsibipty.就在格雷西出生的前几周,约旦还在备考普通中等教育证书,但他说自己很清楚自己的责任。

5.The proposal, announced ahead of the release of GCSE results on Thursday, is part of a five-point plan set out by the CBI.该提议的提出早于周四GCSE结果发布,是英国工商业联合会提出五点计划之一。

6.The 48 year-nine pupils had not covered any part of the GCSE science syllabus before the lessons.其中48名九年级学生在该课程前并未接触过任何GCSE科学课程提纲。

7.His economics GCSE class is an experiment, part of a popcy of promoting more academic subjects.他的经济学GCSE课程班是一个试点班,旨在促进更多的学科。

8.All students must have a recognised Engpsh Language quapfication of at least GCSE grade C or equivalent standard.所有的学生必须拥有认可的英语语言资质,最起码是普通中等教育证书C级别或其他同等标准。

9.Subjects to be studied: GCSE preparation programme to develop Engpsh language skills and academic preparation.需要研究的课题:普通中等教育证书的准备方案,以发展英语语言能力和学术准备。

10.GCSE and A Level subject combinations will be confirmed with the Programme Managers during academic interview.的GCSE和A级科目组合将确认在学术访谈节目经理。