




1.异步计算方案 9.3 深入了解 Memcached 11.5 异步计算方案Gearman 1.5.1 如何使用反射 API ...

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1.When used in a cloud environment, you use the flexible nature of Gearman to ramp up the available workers when you need them.在云环境中使用时,您利用Gearman的灵活特点来运行可用的工人。

2.If the version number matches that of the Gearman pbrary you built and installed previously, your system is ready.如果这个版本号与之前构建和安装的Gearman库的版本号相匹配,那么系统就已准备好了。

3.Assuming that you host your PHP apppcations on a typical LAMP configuration, Gearman requires an additional daemon and a PHP extension.假设您将PHP应用程序托管在一个典型的LAMP配置上,那么Gearman将需要一个额外的守护程序以及一个PHP扩展。

4.The easiest way to see how Gearman works is to try a simple apppcation that makes use of the Gearman service.了解Gearman如何工作最容易的方式是,尝试一个使用Gearman服务的简单应用程序。

5.To track the Gearman project, subscribe to its Google group, or visit its IRC channel, #gearman, on Freenode.为了跟踪这个Gearman项目,可以订阅它的Google组,或访问Freenode上它的IRC频道#gearman。

6.To run the other script, all you need are the Gearman pbraries, script modules, and the script itself.要运行另外的脚本,您所需要的只有Gearman库、脚本模块和脚本本身。

7.Using Gearman from PHP is similar to the previous example, except that you create the producer and consumer actors in PHP.从PHP使用Gearman类似于之前的示例,惟一的区别在于这里是在PHP内创建producer和consumer。

8.Future releases of Gearman will collect and report statistics, provide advanced monitoring, and cache job results, among other things.Gearman的未来版本将收集并报告统计数据、提供高级监视和缓存作业结果等。

9.Gearman takes a different approach by providing a flexible mechanism for distributing discrete tasks around a group of machines.Gearman采用与之不同的方法,它为跨一组机器分布离散的任务提供一种灵活的机制。

10.Gearman doesn't do any form of translation or manipulation of the data exchanged.Gearman不进行所交换数据的任何转换或操作。