


美式发音: [ˈɡaiɡər] 英式发音: [ˈɡaiɡə]




na.1.Geiger , Hans 盖革

1.盖革 卵盖 ovum operculum 盖氏 geiger 槽盖 capping ...

5.盖格管状电机而且这种观察是用仪器检验和证实,最终,当学生有一些盖草(Geiger)计数器记录的比率的测量经验,教师介绍了术语辐射密 …

7.盖格法目前,我们在地震速报中应用的盖格法Geiger)就是一种绝对定位方法。它是通过各个台站的到时来计算出地震的位置,每 …


1.DiFrancesco was the last person to get out of the south tower before it fell, Geiger writes.戴弗朗西斯科是最后一个人走出南楼下跌之前,盖格写道。

2.The unnamed enthusiast brought radioactive materials, as well as a Geiger counter which he ordered from the United States.这为匿名核能爱好者自备一堆放射性原材料,还有一个盖格辐射剂量仪,这些东西都是他从美国订购的。

3.Thus the timing of the random ticks of a Geiger counter placed near the cesium might be used to generate random numbers.因此,放着在铯边上的盖革计数器的随机响声的间隔时间可以被用来产生随机数。

4.If it does, then a hammer connected to a Geiger counter will trigger, break the vial, release the poison, and kill the cat.如果发生了衰变,那么会触发一个连接在盖革计数器上的锤子,打碎瓶子,释放毒气,杀死猫。

5."When I put my Geiger counter close to that mountain of soil it showed 10 microseverts per hour, " she said.她说:“我在堆积污染土的附近用盖氏探测仪,测到辐射量为每小时10微希。”

6.In the book "The Third Man Factor: Surviving the Impossible, " Geiger attempts to solve the mystery of that presence.在这本书中说:“第三人的因素:不可能生存的,”盖革试图解开这个谜,这种存在。

7.Electronics shops are selpng out of small, portable Geiger counters that measure radiation.在电子产品商店,用来测量辐射强度的小型便携式盖革计数器都已经卖光了。

8.Images of children being scanned with Geiger counters by suited safety officials evoke memories of the Chernobyl disaster.身着防护服的安检人员用盖革计数器给孩子们扫描的景象引起了人们对切尔诺贝利事故的回忆。

9.We would have somebody with a Geiger counter at every dinner, scanning each plate.总有人拿着盖氏扫描仪在每次晚饭前把每个碟子都扫描一遍。

10.The aesthetic theory of Geiger had great effects on the latter, whose expanding meanings would never be neglected.盖格尔的美学理论对后来者影响巨大,其开拓意义不容忽视。