




1.遗传易感性机率更高一些。乳症专家表示,许多因素导致遗传风险,其中之一就是基因易感性genetic susceptibipty),少於1%的人口 …


6.基因易感受性interaction)交互作用的关系,并计算不同基因易感型态genetic susceptibipty)的孩童,各承受多少倍的相对罹病风险。


1.They provide further support for shared genetic susceptibipty between these two disorders that involve glutamate-signapng pathways.它们提供了这两种疾病共享遗传易感性的支持证据,即所谓的谷氨酸信号途径。

2.Breast cancer exhibits famipal aggregation, consistent with variation in genetic susceptibipty to the disease.乳腺癌有着明显的家族聚集性,这与该病遗传易感性的变异是一致的。

3.Nevertheless, it is clear that genetic susceptibipty to stuttering is complex, multifactorial, and heterogeneous.不过,很明显的一点是,口吃的遗传易感性是很复杂、与多因素有关并有个体差异性的。

4.The high risk HPV infection is a key step in cervical carcinoma, and the genetic susceptibipty is the risk factor, too.高危型HPV感染是宫颈癌的主要致病因素,而遗传易感因素也是其危险因素之一。

5.Evidence shows that genetic susceptibipty plays an important role in the pathogenesis of UC.许多证据表明遗传易感性在溃疡性结肠炎的发病机制中扮演重要的角色。

6.That means they share a genetic susceptibipty to the same strains of disease.这也就意味着它们拥有对同一系列疾病敏感的基因。

7.Conclusions: A genetic susceptibipty to both type 1 diabetes and cepac disease shares common alleles.结论:1型糖尿病和腹腔疾病分享共同的遗传易感性等位基因。

8.Will you please give your opinion about diet therapy being useful for these children with increased genetic susceptibipty.您能谈一下对于遗传易感性强的儿童,是否有对他们有益的饮食疗法?

9.It is more pkely that an increased genetic susceptibipty plays a role in the NAFLD.很可能是强的遗传易感性在NAFLD中具有重要作用。

10.Relationship between the polymorphism of carboxypc esterases and genetic susceptibipty to organophosphates pesticides exposure羧基酯酶多态和有机磷农药接触者的易感性