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un.1.lake in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains, eastern New York State.


5.圣乔治 和《李尔[ Lear ] 圣乔治[ George] 亚特兰大[ Atalanta] ...

6.乔治,希腊,农夫 Ford 福特英国河的渡口。 George 乔治希腊农夫。 Hilary 希拉里拉丁快乐的。 ...

7.胡宇崴负债管家 则有在中国 香港 台湾高人气的台湾男演员胡宇崴(George)饰演女仆玛丽亚 是由漫画业界公认适合人选的台湾女演员 …


1.Whopper wanted to change his story again, but he thought of George and decided to tell the truth.华勃又想改变他的说法,但是想起了乔治,所以他还是决定说实话。

2.But, alas, by the time George has thought all this, the ants are already dead and mopped up on a wet cloth and rinsed down the sink.可惜,一切都来不及了,当乔治想完这些,那些蚂蚁也已经被自己喷的杀虫剂杀死了。乔治用一块抹布将蚂蚁抹到水池里,放水冲了下去。

3.George stood out in fair sight, on the top of the rock, as he made this declaration of independence.乔治发表这篇独立宣言时,站在岩石之巅,轮廓清晰。

4.Former Sundance chairman, George Jones, has been trying to help bereaved relatives cope with their sudden loss.桑当斯公司前总裁乔治。琼斯一直在努力帮助死者亲属从突降噩耗的悲哀中恢复。

5.The point is that this time there is no George Soros-pke speculator attacking the system.可问题是,这一次攻击体系的不是乔治•索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)之类的投机者,而是相当普通的投资者。

6.George Osborne, the chancellor, said the current turmoil showed that Britain's approach was the right one.大臣乔治·奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)说现在的混乱显示英国的方法是正确的。

7.Then George Bush would be ant sized and I'd put him in a matchbox so he couldn't come out.这样小布什就和蚂蚁一样大了,我可以把他锁进火柴盒里。

8.George: You see, John. Zhang has stood up for you already. I said you would get along.看,张已经帮着你说话了,我就知道你们会相处的好。

9.Or rather, he threw two. Both were aimed at the head of George W. Bush, as he gave a press conference in Baghdad this weekend.准确地说,他扔了两只鞋,全都瞄准乔治·W·布什的脑袋,那是本周末在巴格达的记者招待会上。

10.Mr Gates and Mr Mandela are easy to admire. One hero that many AIDS activists have difficulty accepting, though, is George Bush junior.赞美盖茨和曼德拉很容易,但是小布什是很多爱滋病活动家很难认可的一位英雄人物。