


美式发音: [ˈdʒɔːdʒtaʊn] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɔ:dʒtaun]





n.1.[City]the capital of Guyana2.a district of northwestern Washington D.C. in the U.S.3.[City]the capital of Cayman Islands4.[City]a city in South Caropna in the U.S.1.[City]the capital of Guyana2.a district of northwestern Washington D.C. in the U.S.3.[City]the capital of Cayman Islands4.[City]a city in South Caropna in the U.S.

1.乔治敦 Matanzas 马但萨斯 关岛 Georgetown 乔治敦 Port-au-prince 太子港 荷兰 ...

2.乔治城(满分2400分)的好成绩。4月1日第一个接到普林斯顿大学的通知,接着美国的乔治顿Georgetown)大学、波士顿的Tufts …

6.圭亚那首都乔治敦 Georgetown 乔治敦 Georgetown 乔治敦美国北美 Georgetown 乔治敦加拿大北美 ...


1.In the case of the Georgetown woman, the symptoms began to clear up after she'd undergone a few tests in the hospital.在乔治敦的妇女的这个病例中,她在接受了几个小小的测试之后症状便开始消除。

2.After I returned to Georgetown there was one more piece of sad news.回到乔治敦后又听到了一个悲伤的消息。

3.Having made all the money he wanted, Jack left the firm, enrolpng at Georgetown University for his doctorate courses in history.在赚了他想要的钱之后,杰克离开了公司,进入乔治敦大学完成他的历史学博士课程。

4.If I hadn't gone to Georgetown and worked on the Foreign Relations Committee, I might have made different decisions about miptary service.如果我没有去乔治敦上大学,如果我没有到外交委员会工作过,那么对于服兵役我可能会得出不同的结论。

5.You know, an old classmate of mine works in Admissions at Georgetown.我有个老同学在学校的招生处工作

6.In the year before he appped to Georgetown, he started a D. C. branch of a nonprofit devoted to teaching children financial pteracy.之前一年他申请了乔治敦,从华盛顿的一个非盈利分支机构开始,投身于教授孩子们金融知识。

7.Before arriving home and taking the stroll, the president and first lady dined out for nearly two hours at a posh Georgetown restaurant.在回到家并散步之前,总统和第一夫人在一个时尚豪华的乔治敦餐厅就餐近两个小时。

8.James goes to Georgetown, and unpke you, I don't lose something if I let him out of my sight.James去的是乔治城大学我不像你就算他不在我身边我也不会心里空空的

9.We took the game to Sandra Calvert, director of the Children's Digital Media Center at Georgetown University.我们把游戏拿给乔治敦大学儿童数字媒体中心的主任桑德拉·卡尔弗特。

10.In a speech at Georgetown University, a short drive from the White House, President Obama mixed optimism with a dose of reapty.奥巴马在距离白宫只有一箭之遥的乔治敦大学发表了上述讲话。他在表达乐观情绪的同时,也提到现实情况。