


美式发音: ['getə] 英式发音: ['getə]






n.1.a substance added to absorb the unwanted product of a chemical process, e.g. the excess gas in a pght bulb

1.吸气剂 get stuck 卡钻 getter 吸气剂 getting out of order 发生故障 ...

2.消气剂 gas-filled lamp 充气灯 getter 消气剂 glass pinch 玻璃封接 ...

3.收气剂 germicidal lamp 杀菌灯 getter 收气剂 ghost 双重图象 ...

4.吸气器 gestation 妊娠,(受)孕 getter ① 吸气剂 ②吸气器 getter capacity 吸气能力 ...

5.获得者 getparms 获取参数的 getter 获得者 getter action 除气[收气]作用 ...

6.取值方法 get rock 采石 getter 采煤工 getter loader 截装机 ...


1.With just a few components on the page, it is possible that the getter method will be called upwards of a half-dozen times.即使页面上只有少数几个组件,getter方法也可能被推后数次执行。

2.The go-getter worked all day, skipping his lunch break, expecting that his superior effort would be rewarded.积极能干的人整天运作了,跳越他的午餐休息,期待他的上好努力会被奖赏。

3.Interviewers want you to be a go-getter, but they also worry that you'll get restless if you don't move up fast enough.面试官希望你有冲劲,但也怕你升迁不够快的话会开始焦躁不安。

4.To get data for the element, remember to test the data type of each HSSFCell, so you know which getter method to use.要得到元素数据,请记住测试每个HSSFCell的数据类型,以便知道使用哪个getter方法。

5.Finally, you see one more bit of Groovy syntactic sugar you can use when calpng getters on a class.最后,在类中调用getter时,您将看到使用Groovy语法的更多优点。

6.Her minor victory demonstrated to her unit that she was a go-getter with their interests at heart.这个小小的胜利让她的下属看到,她是一个敢于挺身而出并且将员工利益放在心上的领导。

7.We'll acknowledge that such an attention-getter would produce a very alert driver.我们承认,这种让人集中注意力的方式会造就一个非常警惕的驾驶员。

8.My guessing for the result is the girl in this book is going to be a go-getter at last.我猜最后的结果就是这本书里面的小女孩最后会变得能干又上进。

9.Humor after laughter Getter powerful party, and not the rationale for the party and apologized do not hurt self-esteem.幽默之后,在笑声中有力的一方消气了,没理的一方道了歉而又不伤自尊。

10.This can be used to generate Java code that maps any message into a regular Java object with getters and setters.可以将这用于生成Java代码,以将任何消息映射到具有getter和setter的常规Java对象中。