


网络释义:玻璃纤维增强塑料(glass fiber reinforced plastics);玻璃纤维增强复合材料;玻璃纤维复合材料(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic)


1.玻璃纤维增强塑料(glass fiber reinforced plastics)门窗用玻璃纤维增强塑料(GFRP)拉挤中空型材的问世,为建筑业提供了一种新型材料。Investigation on the welding technology f…

2.玻璃纤维增强复合材料复合材料的种类有玻璃纤维增强复合材料(GFRP)、碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)、芳纶纤维增强复合材料(KFRP)、硼纤维增强 …

3.玻璃纤维复合材料(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic)赵红霞;玻璃纤维复合材料GFRP)加固钢筋混凝土受压柱的非线性有限元分析[D];昆明理工大学;2008年1 2 李雷;王昭升;张士 …

4.玻璃纤维增强聚合物(glass-fiber-reinforced polymer)由玻璃纤维增强聚合物(GFRP)制作的螺栓,其耐腐蚀性能与保温性能都优于金属连接 件,可以用于替代传统的金属螺栓。对于 …

5.玻璃钢同问玻璃钢GFRP)的防火性能如何? 提问者采纳 2011-08-15 13:16 句日 | 分类:工程技术科学 GB50222建筑内部装修设计 …


1.The surface form of deformed GFRP rebars is the main factor affecting the bond behavior between GFRP rebars and concrete.GFRP变形筋的外形是影响GFRP筋与混凝土粘结性能的重要因素。

2.the larger the surface roughness of GFRP, the greater is the outgassing rate.试样的表面粗糙度越大,其放气速率越大。

3.GFRP support reached vulnerable populations quickly; two years after the program's launch, many countries are reporting improvements.全球食品危机应对计划提供的援助迅速惠及了若是人口;计划启动两年后,很多国家报告说,各方面情况均有所改善。

4.The shear capacity of a GFRP-reinforced concrete beam increases firstly with the reduction of shear-span ratio, and then decreases.随剪跨比减小,GFRP筋混凝土梁的抗剪承载力先增大,后减小;

5.The deforming processes of GFRP reinforced concrete slabs and those of the common concrete slabs under explosion loading are also studied.结果表明,玻璃纤维能够有效阻止混凝土裂缝的发展,能提高钢筋混凝土板的抗爆能力。

6.The results show that the technique of using epoxy resin adhesives as bonding materials between steel thimble and GFRP bars is practicable.研究表明采用环氧类树脂粘结剂进行钢套管和GFRP筋的连接,技术可行;

7.The test results show that the bearing capacity of composite column is enhanced with the increase of GFRP tube wall thickness.试验结果表明,组合柱的承载力随着GFRP管壁厚度的增加而提高;

8.When structures require higher fire-resistance grade, the GFRP bars are not suitable for reinforced concrete structures.当抗火等级要求较高时,不宜采用GFRP筋增强混凝土结构。

9.This article introduces different connect methods to bending moment capacity for GFRP reinforced concrete beam.本论文阐述了GFRP加固钢筋混凝土梁采用不同的接合方式对梁弯矩承载力的影响。

10.The structure design and manufacturing technology of the GFRP packaging box were introduced.简述了该玻璃钢包装箱的结构造型设计及制造工艺。