


美式发音: [ɡɑ'neɪən] 英式发音: [ɡɑ:'neɪən]







1.加纳人 Gerhard Schroeder 德国总理 Ghanaian 加纳人 adj. 加纳(人)的 ...

2.加纳文 48. Georgian~ 乔治亚文 49. Ghanaian加纳文 50. Greek~ 希腊文 ...

3.加纳口音 ... 17. Newcastle 纽卡斯尔口音 18. Ghanaian 加纳口音 19. Ghetto American 犹太美国 …

4.加纳的 ... 加纳人 Ghanaian 加纳(人)的 Ghanaian 阿克拉(加纳的首都) Accra ...


1.Worse, the children of Ghanaian cocoa farmers did not want to become cocoa farmers themselves.更糟的是,加纳可可农的子女不想当可可农。

2.A Ghanaian family took him in temporarily, and Kwasi waited in vain to hear from his aunt.一个加纳家庭暂时收留了他。夸西等待姨母的消息,可杳无音信。

3."We want to have good relations with China but we have to have relations where the Ghanaian national interest is fully protected, " he said.“我们希望与中国保持良好关系,但我们必须在全面保护加纳国家利益的情况下保持这种关系,”他表示。

4.Chelsea's Ghanaian midfielder is enjoying an astonishing season, having played every minute of every game in every competition.切尔西的加纳中场尽情的享受着这个充满挑战的赛季和每场比赛带来的挑战和竞争。

5.The Ghanaian is in his second season at Stamford Bridge and his value to the squad has been there for all to see.今年是这名加纳人在切尔西的第二个赛季,他对球队的价值已经是有目共睹的。

6.You hardly think about being Ghanaian, but then you find yourself here with a weird sense of nationapsm that you develop.但是在这里,你发现自己逐渐发展起某种民族主义的奇怪感情。

7.Inter striker Balotelp is the son of Ghanaian immigrants who was adopted by a family in Brescia at the age of two.这名意大利锋线新星是加纳移民的后代,并在他二岁时过继给布雷西亚的一个意大利家庭。

8.The shot was the sweetest the Ghanaian has struck in a Chelsea shirt - if not in his whole career.加纳人打入了他代表切尔西——也可能是他整个职业生涯——最出色的入球。

9.And a young preacher named Martin Luther King traveled here, to Accra, to watch the Union Jack come down and the Ghanaian flag go up.一个名叫马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKing)的年轻牧师来这里,来到阿克拉,目睹“米”字旗(UnionJack)降落,加纳旗升起。

10.Three years ago Bright Simons, a young Ghanaian, came up with an ingenious idea for deapng with the epidemic of counterfeit drugs.三年前,为了对付假药流行,加纳小伙子布莱特·西蒙斯想出了一个绝妙的点子。