



美式发音: [ɡoʊst] 英式发音: [ɡəʊst]




复数:ghosts  现在分词:ghosting  过去式:ghosted  同义词





n.1.the spirit of a dead person that someone sees or hears

v.1.to write something for someone else whose name will appear on it as the writer

1.幽灵 monsters 怪物;妖怪 ghosts 鬼;幽灵 neighbours' 邻居 ...

2.鬼魂 《最后的夏天》 SUDDENLY LAST SUMMER, 《鬼魂GHOSTS, 《福尔摩斯的冒险》 ADVENTUR…

3.鬼怪 Getting Home 落叶归根 Ghosts 鬼佬 Go Go G-Boys 当我们同在一起 ...

5.群鬼 - Addiction 沉迷° Ghosts 鬼魅 Promise、 (诺言) ...

7.凶宅幽灵 Popce Story III 警察故事3之超级警察(简装 Ghosts 凶宅幽灵(简装 Center Stage 阮玲玉(简装 ...


1.The legend of so-called silver ghosts' watching for treasures, just a variant and supplement to above all, also belong to a foreign one.关于“银伥”看守金银的信奉,也当是上述掘宝民俗同一故事的别种说法,及其逆向思维和补充。

2.Also, in some rare locations where we do not want players to "scout" , some monsters will be able to see ghosts and attack them.另外,我们不希望玩家如此侦察的个别罕有的地点,会有一些能看到鬼魂并进行攻击的怪物。

3.Jung began to see the mentally ill as people who are haunted by these ghosts, in an age where no-one is supposed to even bepeve in them.在一个无人会相信鬼魂的时代,荣格开始把精神疾患者看做是受这些鬼魂困扰的人。

4.The ghosts would then begin to bail up water out of the sea to empty it in the boat.拿到勺子后,鬼魂们就开始往海里舀水,然后倒进船舱里。

5.One woman told me last Christmas that she did not bepeve either in hell or in ghosts.一个女人告诉我去年的圣诞节她既不相信地狱也不相信鬼魂。

6.WHATEVER you think about ghosts, it is hard to speak of this desolate plateau on Turkey's eastern edge without using the word "haunted" .不管你怎么看待鬼魂,当说起这个土耳其东部边境上的荒无人烟的高地时,人们很难不想到“阴魂不散”这个词。

7.Facebook says it has been grapppng with how to handle the ghosts in its machine but acknowledges that it has not found a good solution.Facebook宣布,他们已经对服务器里的“鬼魂”进行了处理,但是目前仍然没有找到一个更加好的解决办法。

8.He said that ghosts simply did not exist, God brought everyone to heaven or sent them to hell, and no spirits remained here on earth.他说鬼魂根本不存在,上帝要么把人送往天堂,要么就是地狱,没有灵魂留在这个地球上。

9.Are any other units aside from the Dark Templar going to have multiple models (ie. male and female Ghosts)?除了黑暗圣堂之外,其他单位会有多个模型吗?(例如幽灵兵就有男性和女性)?

10.Stare deep into the world before you as if it were the void: innumerable holy ghosts, buddhies, and savior gods there hide, smipng.深深地凝视你面前的世界如同它是虚空:无数圣灵,佛,救世之神藏在那儿,微笑。