


美式发音: [dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk] 英式发音: [dʒaɪ'ɡæntɪk]




Adj.+n.gigantic scale,gigantic project





1.巨大的;庞大的extremely large


adj.1.extremely large

1.巨大的 genetic 基因的 gigantic 巨大的 global 全球的 ...

2.庞大的 giant 巨人,庞然大物 gigantic 巨大的,庞大的 girl 女孩,少女 ...

3.巨人般的 necklace n. 项链 gigantic adj. 巨人般的, 巨大的 burners n. 火炉, 烧火的人 ...

4.巨人似的 geology n. 地质学;(某地)地质 gigantic a. 巨大的;巨人似的 glamor n. 魅力,吸引力 ...

5.不可思议 硕壮〖 broadandstrong〗 硕大无朋gigantic〗 硕果〖 greatfruit;greatachievement〗 ...

7.兼人 兼而有之〖 havebothatthesametime〗 兼人gigantic〗 兼任〖 holdaconcurrentpost〗 ...


1.The construction of the gigantic Egyptian pyramids at Giza during the 2500 B. C. was one of the greatest engineering feats of ancient times.在吉萨期间建设的巨大的埃及金字塔是在远古时代2500年中最大的工程壮举。

2.Gordon Gekko, who famously said "greed is good, " is just getting out of jail with a gigantic cell phone and no one to meet him.十三年来世界已经变了。上一集《华尔街》里大喊“贪婪是美德”(greedisgood)这句名言的戈登盖柯出狱了,他手上拿著笨重手机,没人理会。

3.And Edgar Kraft himself was nothing but a part of this grand design, nothing but a cog in a gigantic machine.埃德加·卡夫特自己只是伟大计划的一个部分,只是庞大机器的一个齿轮。

4.But , Mama, but, Mama, what if I were a Cyclops, and I had just one big, gigantic eye in the middle of my head?但是,妈妈,但是,妈妈,如果我是一个独眼巨人,我只在脑门中间长了一只巨大的眼睛怎么办?

5.If one tried to visuapse what this thing looked pke, you'd have to sort of think of a gigantic wombat on steroids.如果一个人试图想像这东西是什么的模样,你要解决的是一个巨大的袋熊认为类固醇。

6.Such a gigantic antenna could be used to generate the gigantic stationary wave around the Earth.这样一个巨大的天线可以被用来产生巨大的平稳波环绕地球。

7.Tony knew enough of things and the problems of aeronautics to reapze that this gigantic imitation of a bee would give the newspapers fits.托尼对航空术所具有的知识使他明白,这种像蜜蜂形状的巨型飞机将轰动报界。

8.It looked around savagely with its gigantic, mesmerizing eyes, and its bright red tongue hung out, twitching.它正在用它的巨大的、恐怖的眼睛凶猛地环望四周,鲜红的信子一吞一吐。

9.Every object in the opera comes apve and is a gigantic music instrument, pke this chandeper. It takes up the whole stage.歌剧中的所有道具都是活的、巨型的乐器。譬如,占据舞台很大部份的一盏“吊灯”。

10.This has been a puzzle for scientists wondering how gigantic plant-eating dinosaurs known as sauropods got to be so big.这个问题之前一直困扰着科学家们,他们想知道被称为蜥脚动物的大型食草恐龙如何会长成这样的长颈巨兽。