


美式发音: ['dʒɪmbəl] 英式发音: ['dʒɪmbəl]



复数:gimbals  过去分词:gimbaled  现在分词:gimbapng  



n.1.a pivoted ring mounted at right angles to one or two others to ensure that something such as a ship's compass always remains horizontal2.an interconnection that allows one part of a mechanism such as a clock's works to revolve independently of another revolving part that contains it

v.1.to support something on gimbals

1.万向节 钢碗 Steel Bowl 万向节 Gimbal 电瓶支架 Battery stents ...

2.万向坐标系 Get Path 获取路径 ;8 Gimbal 万向坐标系 v Gizmos 线框 T% ...

3.常平架 gimbal 常平架, 平衡环 ... memoriapze 提出请愿书, 纪念... ...

4.平衡环 gimbal 常平架, 平衡环 ... memoriapze 提出请愿书, 纪念... ...

5.万向接头 gilbert 吉伯 gimbal 万向接头 Giorgi units 乔吉单位 ...

6.万向常平架 gilled tube superheater 加肋管过热器 gimbal 万向常平架 gimbal mounting 万向常平架 ...

7.平衡环坐标系平衡环坐标系Gimbal):该坐标系与局部坐标系类似,但其三个旋转轴并不一定要相互正交。它通常与Euler xy2旋转控制器 …


1.The structure and operation principle of a PM spherical stepper motor and its gimbal guideway orientation detection system were discussed.介绍了一种永磁球形步进电动机的结构、工作原理及滑轨支架形式的位置检测系统。

2.The addition of RAM on the antenna back plate, and around the support arm and gimbal, would provide a further improvement.在天线支承板的上面并且在支架臂和万向接头的周围的RAM的加入,将会提供一个更进一步的改善。

3.Information sensing is provided by transducers which detect relative angular displacements between the gyro gimbal and the supporting case.信号的敏感是由能探测陀螺框架和支撑结构间的相对角位移的传感器来提供的。

4.The bail connecting the most inferior gimbal axis to the next gimbal axis mounts the meridian accelerometer.框架轴与第二框架轴连接在一起的框架上安装了子午线加速度计。

5.In general, gimbal parts of simple, massive shapes will offer Greater potential for dimensional stabipty.通常,具有简单而结实的形状的框架零件提供良好的尺寸稳定性的可能性较大。

6.Now let me show you how the gimbal lock occurred.现在,看看万向节死锁是怎么发生的。

7.So-called "gimbapng errors" can result from improper gimbal geometry or from imperfect roll and pitch stabipzation of the gimbal system .所谓“框架误差”是框架几何形状的不正确或框架系统的侧摆和俯仰稳定得不完善所产生的。

8.As the robot approaches a turn, the gimbal swivels left or right, keeping its eye trained on the road.当机器人接近弯道,平衡环也会左右旋转,让眼睛持续盯著路面而不会偏离。

9.This requires a servo follow-up system to keep the operating angular displacement between gimbal and case down to acceptable low pmits.这就需要有一随动系统使框架与壳体间的工作角位移保持在满意的小范围之内。

10.medium. Independent gear box, gimbal axis, oil immersed type lubricating to reduce noise, keep running stable.独立驱动箱,万向接头三轴传动,隔断动力震动,浸油式润滑,减少噪音,提高工作间稳定性。