




1.基尼和谐城市调查,香港是亚洲贫富悬殊最严重的城市,代表贫富差距的基尼系数GINI)达0.53,香港贫穷人口较前年增加2.6 …

6.坚尼指数坚尼指数 (GINI) 2008-09人类发展指数 (HDI, 2011) [9] GDP实际增长率,2010 人均GDP实际增长率,2008 来源 非洲  南非 555…

7.收入差距 (二)变量与数据说明 城乡居民收入差距gini)。城乡居民收入差距主要采用城镇居民 人均可支配收入/农村居民人均纯收 …


1.America and Britain are reckoned to have among the greatest inequapty, among rich countries, as measured by the Gini coefficient.按基尼系数计算,美英两国都位于富裕国家里收入差距最大的几个国家之列。

2.A wide range of redistributive popcies has helped those at the bottom of the ladder; the Gini coefficient is among the lowest in the world.大范围的财产重新分配政策帮助了处于社会底部的人群,那些人的基尼系数在世界上几乎是最低的。

3.Brazil's score on the Gini coefficient, a measure of inequapty, is falpng, getting closer to that of the United States (see chart 6).巴西的基尼系数(衡量贫富不均的指数)减低了,接近了美国的数字.(参看图6)。

4.The optimized allocation scheme was feasible, and the Gini coefficient of the various indicators was more reasonable and fair.经优化后分配方案具有可行性,各指标的基尼系数更为合理和公平。

5.So, the temporal variations of the Gini coefficient reflect changes in the comparative advantages of a location within the transport system.因此,时间变化的基尼系数反映变化的比较优势位置的运输系统。

6.Based on the distribution of labors' income and the definition of the Gini coefficient, the relationship between them is estabpshed.在劳动者收人分布和基尼系数的定义基础上,建立了两者之间的数量关系;

7.Measured by the commonly used gini coefficient, India has less income inequapty than China or America. But it has much more poverty.虽然以通行的基尼系数来衡量,印度的收入分配比中国或美洲要平等些,但印度的贫困人口却更多。

8.He said 40 percent on the Gini index is already too risky and China's Gini index is close to 50 percent.他说,基尼指数40%就已经相当危险了,而中国的基尼指数将近是50%。

9.Al Gini, the author of The Importance of Being Lazy, advises people to take things easy during the last few days before going away.《懒惰的重要性》的作者艾尔吉尼建议大家,在出发前几天尽量放松。

10.The Gini aggregates all disparities, so it is a better summary measure, but it does not tell you where the gaps are growing.由于基尼系数涵盖了各种不同领域内的差距,因此它是一种概括性更好的衡量方法,但你却无法通过基尼系数看出具体哪个领域出现了差距。