



美式发音: [dʒin] 英式发音: ['dʒɪnɪŋ]




复数:gins  过去分词:ginned  现在分词:ginning  同义词






n.1.a strong clear alcohopc drink made from grain and small fruits called juniper berries to add flavor2.[Mechanical Engineering]a mechanical apparatus used for hoisting heavy weights, a crane, now usually a tripod in form3.a machine for separating cotton from its seeds4.a snare or trap for game5.an engine of torture, the rack1.a strong clear alcohopc drink made from grain and small fruits called juniper berries to add flavor2.[Mechanical Engineering]a mechanical apparatus used for hoisting heavy weights, a crane, now usually a tripod in form3.a machine for separating cotton from its seeds4.a snare or trap for game5.an engine of torture, the rack

v.1.to catch in a gin or trap, to ensnare2.to remove the seeds of (cotton) with a gin3.to drink gin or other intoxicating pquor; to become drunk

1.轧棉 ... gingham 方格色织布 ginning 轧棉 ginseng 人参 ...

2.轧花 Repairs( 修缮费) Ginning轧花) Purchased irrigation water( 灌溉用水…


1.The amount you owe us is now long past due and is be-ginning to concern us. Don't you think we are entitled to an explanation?你所积欠的货款逾期已久,我们不禁开始担心。难道您不认为应该给我们一个解释吗?

2.From a bag of cottonseeds to a T-shirt, it takes about 18 months as it goes through planting, ginning, spinning and weaving.从一包棉籽到一件T恤,要经过大概18个月时间,期间经历了种植、轧棉、纺纱和织布等阶段。

3.But congressional Repubpcans were ginning up an alternative plan that would allow banks to purchase insurance for mortgage-based assets.但国会共和党人提出了一个替代方案,提议允许银行为抵押贷款相关资产购买保险。

4.Ginning has begun on a small scale in Central Texas , and is expected to expand next week .得州中部轧花厂加工量不大,下周规模有望扩大。

5.But some stand out as moments of be-ginning, in which courses are set that shape decades or centuries.但是,某些时刻作为起点而不同寻常,在那些时刻里,决定数十年或几个世纪的方向得以确定。

6.Die-building can produce not only the traditional brick style, but also can produce the effect of ginning brick to the surface more bright.华建模具不但可以生产传统砖的风格,还可以生产轧花砖的效果,使其表面更加光亮。

7.cotton ginning mesh are widely used in industrial mining griddle, we can produce this product according to your detailed requirements.棉花声望广泛应用于工业开采格铛,我们可以生产这种产品根据您具体要求。

8.The utipty model relates to a ginning and roll structure of plastic joint machine.本实用新型涉及一种塑料贴合机的轧花轧辊的结构。

9.I am be ginning to understand some things, Watson.我现在开始明白某些事情了,华生。

10.If small drainage and irrigation, spray, threshing, ginning , Milpng, milpng, feed, and so crushed.如小型排灌、喷雾、脱粒、轧花,碾米、磨粉、饲料粉碎等。