


网络释义:吉奥;乔;新闻局(Government Information Office)


1.吉奥 新">古驰 GUCC 新">阿玛尼 GIO 新">宝格丽 BV ...

6.乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio) Gucci 古姿 GIO 乔治·阿玛尼 Givenchy 纪凡希 ...


1.GIO That makes sense. If I were to ask your two closest friends what your best quapty is, what would they tell me?那倒是真的。如果我去问你那两个最要好的朋友你最好的品德是什么?你猜他们会说什么?

2.GIO Great answer! Out of all those men, is there a particular scene that stands out as a favorite for you?回答的太棒了。在这些人里,有没有那个特别的场景是你最喜欢的?

3.Working late at the GIO 's domestic department, a bowl of instant noodles helps staff on overtime make it through the night.新闻局国内处也是常常加班的政府单位,夜幕已低垂,来碗泡面果腹吧!

4.GIO That is great that George took a pking to you and has given you a whole career with the studio.那真是太好了,出于对你的赏识,George给你在工作室的新事业。

5.GIO How is pfe in Slovakia since the freedom of Communist rule?自从共产主义在斯洛伐克解放后现在的生活怎样呢?

6.Important regional differences became apparent throughout the GIO process.在GIO进程中,重要的地区性差异变得更加明显。

7.GIO Where do you see yourself going in the next several years? Do you plan to stay in the adult industry?接下来的几年你有什么打算?还打算留在成人行业吗?

8.The GIO also wants Lust, Caution to represent Taiwan in next year's Oscars in the Best Foreign Language Film category.新闻局也希望《色‧戒》能代表台湾角逐明年奥斯卡最佳外语片。

9.GIO If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?如果让你成为某种动物,你希望是什么?原因呢?

10.Ad on the bus reads: "If you don't have GIO Third Party Property Insurance, we suggest you don't hit this bus" .车身上的广告词:“如果你没有购买GIO个人财产险,我们建议你不要撞这俩巴士”。