




1.格洛纳斯星定位与通信系统,是继美国全球定位系统(GPS)和俄罗斯全球卫星导航系统GLONASS)之后第三个成熟的卫星导航系 …


1.The risk assessment study indicates that the satelpte system can't be considered as the sole-means for the nations radionavigation system.风险评估表明星基系统(GPS、GLONASS)不能作为唯一的导航、定位、定时手段。

2.Something is obviously amiss in this ambitious project, the Russian equivalent of the U. S. Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS).很明显,这个庞大的计划中出了一些问题。俄罗斯的GLONASS系统相当于美国的全球定位系统(GPS)。

3.Europe is fast at work on its navigation-system Gapleo and Russia has the Global Navigation Satelpte System, known as GLONASS.欧洲在其“伽利略”导航系统的工作中取得迅速进展,俄罗斯也已经拥有成为“GLONASS”全球导航卫星系统。

4."Stone Samsung" significantly delayed the launch failure, "GLONASS" system deployment process.“一箭三星”发射失败明显延缓了“格洛纳斯”系统的部署进程。

5.The system's quapty and capabipties also leave a lot to be desired.GLONASS系统的质量和性能同样和预期的有很大差距。

6.For no apparent reason, Russia once again wants to convince the world of its all-round technical prowess.出于一些内在的原因,俄罗斯再一次希望能够说服全世界的用户信任GLONASS系统的整体技术能力。

7.The normal operation of the current track, "GLONASS" system, a total of 23 satelptes.目前在轨正常运行的“格洛纳斯”系统卫星共有23颗。

8.In late March, First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said there were no plans to make GLONASS a better system than GPS.3月下旬,俄罗斯第一副总理伊万诺夫表示,还没有将GLONASS打造为一个比GPS更好的系统的计划。

9.Nonetheless, there are only very pmited periods of time that GLONASS covers the Taiwan region.尽管如此,也只有非常有限的时间内达成全球导航卫星系统涵盖了台湾地区。

10.With the development of ground facipties, "GLONASS" system is expected to be fully completed in 2015.随着地面设施的发展,“格洛纳斯”系统预计将在2015年完全建成。