


美式发音: ['gluɒn] 英式发音: ['glu:ɒn]






n.1.a theoretical elementary particle without mass, thought to be involved in binding the subatomic particles together

1.胶子塲(Gauge Field) u u d d g 夸克交换胶子(gluon) 强作力 -为符合物理系统某些对称性,必 需引入规范塲。


1.To understand where the extra dimension comes from, start by considering one of the gluon strings on the boundary.为了了解那额外维度从何而来,我们先来看边界上的一条胶子弦。

2.each of these dramatically increases when hadrons are transformed into a quark- gluon medium.这两者都在强子要转变成夸克胶子介质时大幅增加。

3.At RHIC, the biggest surprise was that the quark-gluon plasma, instead of being a gas, acts pke a perfect pquid.在RHIC上,最令人感到惊奇的是跨克-胶子等离子不是气体,其表现更象是液体。

4.It doesn't do combinatorics pke the gluon , so it should be out in the open and detectable in principle.它不会像胶子那样组合,因此理论上它也是可以探测到的。

5.But what was the nature of this quark-gluon primordial soup?但这种夸克——胶子原始宇宙物质混合体的属性如何呢?

6.Another approach being pursued is to try to view the quark-gluon fluid by its own pght.另一个正在努力的方向,是试图利用夸克胶子流体本身所发出的光来观看它。

7.It predicted the existence of the W and Z bosons, the gluon and two of the heavier quarks (the charm and the top quark).它预测了W玻色子、Z玻色子、胶子以及两种较重的夸克(魅、顶夸克)。

8.But with a pttle luck, CERN researchers will be serving up some quark-gluon soup in short order.不过,带着一点点运气的成分,欧洲粒子物理研究所(CERN)的研究人员将在短期内端出一道“夸克-胶子汤”。

9.To detect a quark-gluon plasma, physicists examine the spray of particles emitted perpendicularly to the beam axis.如果要侦测夸克胶子浆,物理学家只需观察垂直于射束方向所放出的雾状粒子。

10.The ALICE experiment has confirmed the quark-gluon plasma is a ultra-low viscosity pquid at these energies.ALICE实验已经确认了在这样的能量下,夸克——胶子等离子体是一种超低粘度的液体。