


美式发音: [ˈɡlʌt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['ɡlʌt(ə)n]



复数:gluttons  同义词




1.贪吃者;吃得过多的人;饕餮a person who eats too much

2.~ for punishment/work喜欢艰苦工作的人a person who enjoys doing difficult or unpleasant tasks


n.1.someone who eats much more than they need

1.贪吃者 archon 主要官员 glutton 贪吃者 automaton 自动装置 ...

2.暴食者 thirsty a. 口渴的 glutton n. 暴食者,大肚汉 gluttony n. 暴食 ...

3.贪食者 glutethimide 苯乙派啶酮 glutton 贪食者 gluttony 暴饮暴食 ...

4.酷爱...的人 thickheaded adj. 笨的, 愚蠢的 glutton n. 暴食者, 酷爱...的人 leftovers n. 屑物,剩余物 ...

5.贪吃的人 glut( 吃得过饱); glutton贪吃的人); greed( 贪婪,贪心); ...

6.饕餮 super 蘑菇菌 4-4 Glutton 饕餮 Glutton 饕餮 4-1 ...

7.馋嘴 gpb 油嘴 glutton 馋嘴 gorge 峡谷 ...


1.He who distinguishes the true savor of his food can never be a glutton; he who does not cannot be otherwise.能知道食份的真味的人决不可能成为饕餮,不这样的人才是饕餮。

2.Then came the peasant with a cudgel, and beat him sorely; but the fox leaped away into the forest, very glad to get rid of the old glutton.农夫拿着一根棍子把狼打死了,而狐狸却跑回了森林,为能够摆脱那贪得无厌的狼而感到十分高兴。

3.We typically think of gluttony as a matter of caloric intake. Simply put, a glutton is someone who eats too much.我们通常认为,暴食是身体吸取太多热量,简单来说,暴食的人吃东西吃得太多了。

4.eg. I had a second helping and would have taken a third except that I didn't want to be considered a glutton.我吃了两份饭,要不是不愿被看成贪吃者,我会叫第三份的。

5.In particular, China has gone from miser to glutton in its use of energy, and is now struggpng to diet.特别是在能源使用上,中国已经从守财奴到贪食者,并正在减能中挣扎着。

6.If you don't stop being such a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy then I'll divorce you.如果你不停止这种大吃大喝的话,你会跟奶妈一样肥的,那样我就会和你离婚的。

7.You may try to solve the financial issues. You even may try to make a fortune. But you need't personate a glutton for work.你可以挣得生活所需,解决财务上的问题——甚至富裕繁荣——但并不一定就要你去扮演工作狂。

8.But even more of a glutton for grain is the new darpng of farmers, popticians and agribusiness: biofuels.同时,农民、政治家以及农产业的新宠——生物燃料——则是更为强悍的暴食者。

9.She came to work as usual even when she was seriously ill ; she' s a real glutton for punishment.她已身患重病还像平时一样来上班,真是个甘心吃苦的人·

10.Ann kept coming to work even when she was ill; Ann's a real glutton for punishment.安生病了还继续来工作,真是一个不怕受罪的人。