


网络释义:光栅光阀(Grating Light Valve);光阀技术;平和英语(glvchina)


1.光栅光阀(Grating Light Valve)Garpc mosaic virus(GMV) Garpc latent virus(GLV) 叶片呈现明显黄绿条斑,长短不一,病株矮化,生长细弱,叶片卷曲,多不抽苔。

5.光栅亮度阀 GIF 图形接口单元) GLV 光栅亮度阀) GM 玻璃铸制) ...

6.光栅式光阀在制作光栅式光阀(GLV)制程考量上,次微米(Submicron)级的线宽图形定义制作,以及良好的膜厚控制能力,是制程上首要的 …


1.During the period less than one week, we have agreed on "GLV's cooperation with Flextronics to hold Engpsh lectures. "在不到一个星期的时间内,我们就就举办“平和携手伟创力英语讲座”达成一致意见。

2.GLV was born on the island of Sao Vicente in 1928. Growing up, he says, he remembers hiding his guitar playing from his disapproving father.GLV出生1928年的撒问特岛。据他回忆说,因为爸爸的反对,他小时候要瞒着父亲弹吉他。

3.Because of GLV , one of the magical place in Zhuhai !是因为平和英语,珠海的一个神奇之地!

4.After learning about it and field survey many times, we think GLV's concept and faculty is the best and GLV is also wilpng to help us.在多番了解并实地考察后,我们觉得平和英语的理念及师资是最棒的,而且平和也很乐意帮助我们。

5.A variant of GLV technology is, but it is not a replacement for a single diode.GLV技艺是一个变栽,但是它不克不及替代独个的二极管。

6.In order to make sure that this rule can be carried out, GLV has a strict punishment system.为了保证平和的这个规则的落实,平和有非常严厉惩罚系统。

7.glv is an engpsh summer camp , a program full of laughter and wonder.康考杰国际语言村是一个充满欢笑的英语夏令营活动。

8."Total Immersion Experience" is GLV's unique system which is different from other school.“浸泡式英语”是平和英语与别的学校截然不同的教学方式。

9.The most unique rule in GLV is "Engpsh Only" without doubt.毫无疑问,在平和,最特别就是纯英语这个规定。

10.If you really want to make progress in your Engpsh, no wonder that GLV will be your best choice.如果你真的也想在英语学习中取得很好效果。毫无疑问,平和是你最好的选择!