


美式发音: ['glɪfəseɪt] 英式发音: ['glɪfəseɪt]





n.1.a herbicide that is taken into the system of a plant, affecting its growth.

1.草甘膦 棕榈酸氯霉素 Chloramphenical Palmitate 草甘磷 glyphosate 锌试剂 ZINCON ...

3.嘉磷塞 oxypc acid 乙醛酸 glyphosate 甘草膦 glyphosine 甘甘二膦 ...

6.除草剂草甘膦 (flusilazole, 新星、福星) (glyphosate, 农达) (butachlor, 灭草特、去草胺) ...

8.草双甘膦 ... 呋嘧醇 Flurprimidol 草双甘膦 Glyphosate 嗪草酮 Metribuzin ...


1.What matters most is of course how much glyphosate will end up in our food and whether these amounts could be harmful in any way.最为重要的问题当然是我们的食物中最终含有多少草甘膦残留量,以及这些含量的草甘膦能否以任何方式影响人们的健康。

2.The signs are on the wall that glyphosate will build up in bone and internal organs over a pfe time.已经非常清楚的证据表明,草甘膦残留量能够一生在骨头与内部器官中沉积。

3.This whole messing round with 'acceptable' glyphosate levels misses the point totally in the presence of body sinks for glyphosate.围绕“可接受的”草甘膦水平的说法全部是胡扯,脱离了体内存在着草甘膦沉积处的关键点。

4.At this point a bright spark came up with the idea to make all crops glyphosate resistant.这时出现了明亮的一闪念,就是使所有农作物耐草甘膦的想法。

5.The setting of glyphosate tolerance levels for food seems to point in that direction.对食物的草甘膦耐受水平的设定看来是引导我们指向这样的方向。

6.Given the glyphosate sinks in the body, this detoxification process is not very effective for glyphosate.在草甘膦在体内沉积的情况下,这种去毒过程对草甘膦并非非常有效。

7.If glyphosate starts to build up in the colon wall, could this hamper the water resorption?如果草甘膦开始在结肠壁中沉积,这是否将阻碍水分的再吸收?

8.So, the question becomes, how will glyphosate accumulate in people's bodies over a pfetime, and how will this affect their health?因此,真正的问题成为,草甘膦在人的一生中如何在人体内积累,以及这是否影响他们的健康?

9.He developed PV within days of a one-time heavy exposure to fumes of burning glyphosate, a broad-spectrum nonselective pesticide.他在数天内的光伏一次性大量接触烟雾燃烧草甘膦,一种广谱非选择性农药。

10.Another problem is that glyphosate is only broken down by a pmited number of soil bacteria, so glyphosate accumulates in soil.另外一个问题是,草甘膦仅能被优先种类的土壤细菌分解,因此草甘膦在土壤中积累。