




1.韩国 schwans (食品) gmarket (韩国) boutiques (定制女装) ...

2.的运费计算是这样的 ... TOTAL PAYABLE AMOUNT 是你要付的总数 GMARKET 的运费计算是这样的: SUBTOTAL …

3.灵谷 ... 卡瓦依 KAWAI 灵谷 Gmarket 云涛 YUNTAO ...

4.神乐 ... 舒肤佳 Safeguard 神乐 Gmarket 皮尔萨 SHPES ...

5.订购 Homemade 自家制, Gmarket 订购, ...


1.The deal, announced yesterday, came as Gmarket, a leading onpne shopping mall, said it was fipng for an initial pubpc offering on Nasdaq.此笔交易于昨日宣布之际,Gmarket表示正申请在纳斯达克进行首次公开发行(IPO)。

2.The reported price compares with Gmarket's latest closing of $18. 12 a share. The final contract would be signed on Wednesday, eDaily said.Gmarket最新收盘价为每股18.12美元.eDaily称,最后的合约将于周三签订。

3.Last week Yahoo sold a 10 per cent stake in South Korea's Gmarket for $120m as part of its purchase by Ebay.上周,作为Ebay收购韩国Gmarket交易的一部分,雅虎以1.2亿美元售出了所持Gmarket的10%股份。

4.The $24 a share price represents a 20. 2 percent premium on Gmarket's latest closing price of $19. 96 a share.eBay每股24美元的报价,较Gmarket最新收盘价19.96美元溢价20.