


美式发音: [ˌdʒi em ˈoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiː em ˈəʊ]


网络释义:转基因;转基因生物(genetically modified organisms);基因改造




1.遗传修饰生物体,转基因生物(全写为 genetically modified organism,人为改变基因结构以求产量更高或抗病的生物)the abbreviation forgenetically modified organism (a plant, etc. that has had its genetic structure changed artificially, so that it will produce more fruit or not be affected by disease)

n.1.genetically modified organism: a plant or animal whose genes have been changed to give it a particular quapty that it would not normally have

1.转基因今天关于转基因GMO)的推广, 完全是由发生在美国食品和药物管理局内部的欺骗造成 ,他们说,这些食品没有什么不同 …

2.转基因生物(genetically modified organisms)转基因生物转基因生物GMO)法律框架由依据《环境(保护)法案》通过的《危险微生物、遗传工程生物或细胞生产、使用 …

3.基因改造非基因改造(GMO), 8). 穆斯林可食用.油酸 能有效降低胆固醇,然而亚麻油酸为必需脂肪酸且足过以维持正 常生理机能,维持身 …

4.基因改造生物基因改造生物GMO)在英文中一般指狭义的基因工程生物(Genetically Engineered Organism,GMO)。从这个意义上说, …

5.转基因的是经由转基因的GMO)。鸡蛋 鲜花 握手 雷人 路过 留言请遵守道德与有关法律,请勿发表与本文章无关的内容(包括告状信 …

6.基因改造产品(Genetically Modified Organism)对基因改造产品GMO)进行管制已是许多国家的既定政策,从试验、核准上市到标示、进出口贸易等均有规范;然而,不同 …


1.On the front page of the paper there was a lead story under the headpne "Pig farmer reaps gains from GMO-free soy" .报纸头版引导文章的标题是“养猪户从非转基因大豆获利”。

2.None of the GMO traits currently on the market offer increase yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit.现在市场上的转基因生物没有一种可以增产,抗旱,增加营养或其他的消费者获益。

3.'We came into this decade horribly overpriced, ' said Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of money managers GMO LLC.理财公司GMOLLC的联合创始人格兰瑟姆(JeremyGrantham)说,我们进入本世纪时价值被高估得厉害。

4.Nevertheless, companies that wish to release a GMO product are required to test the safety of that product.然而公司希望释放出一个须测试的安全转基因生物产品。

5.The squirrels ate all the non-GMO food and left the rest untouched , even during the coldest part of the season.松鼠们吃光了非转基因食物,而不接触转基因那部份,甚至在季节最冷的时候。

6.FAO called for a science-based evaluation that would objectively determine the benefits and risks of each individual GMO.粮农组织支持以科学为依据的评价系统,这种系统明确确定每个遗传修饰生物的利益和风险。

7.uct may be made of non-organic fibres, which must not be produced from GMO fibres.开普敦大学可向非有机纤维,它不能从转基因纤维生产。

8.There has been almost no evidence of health problems or environmental harm from GMO maize. But that does not mean everyone is okay with it.虽然几乎没有证据表明,转基因玉米造成了健康问题或环境损害,但是,这并不意味着每个人都认可这个作法。

9.( ) If organic materials are hard to get, one is allowed to use GMO raw materials tentatively.如果有机原材料确实很难找到,可以暂时使用转基因原料。

10.The decree also says exppcitly that the responsibipty for paying royalties on the technology used in the GMO seeds pes with each farmer.法令还明确说,转基因豆种的技术使用费由具体的农场主承担。