




1.出去玩 go out 出去 43. go out to play 出去玩 44. Father Christmas 圣诞老人 47. ...

2.出去玩耍 ... 8. go out 出去 9. go out to play 出去玩耍 10. noodle soup 面条汤 ...

3.到外面去玩 Put on your sunglasses. 带上你的太阳镜。 Go out to play. 到外面去玩。 yes,it's a fine sunny day. 是的,今天阳光灿烂。 ...

4.妈妈带著小蜗牛出去玩 ... 课题: subject 出外游玩go out to play 电子游戏: e-games ...


1.The pttle boy, Johnnie, had been up with a packet of mints, and said he wouldn't go out to play until the post had come.小南男孩约翰尼也上楼来过,送来了一盒薄荷糖,还说他要等邮件来了以后再出去玩。

2.Johnnie said he would not go out to play unless the post had come.约翰尼说如果邮差没来他就不出去玩。

3.Did the supper eat? Did not go out to play at and your French friend chat? Can you see understand if I write Chinese?晚饭吃过了吗?没出去玩在跟你的法国朋友聊天吗?如果我写中文你能看懂吗?

4.Because this year's Spring Festival very cold, so I and my family can only stay at home, do not go out to play.因为今年的春节很冷,所以我和我的家人都只能呆在家里,没出去玩。

5.So I decided to call my friends to go out to play with snow together.于是,我决定喊上朋友们一起出去玩雪。

6.and said he wouldn't go out to play until the post had come.还说她要等邮件来了以后再出去玩。

7.At that time, my mother always let me go out to play on rainy days, but I secretly they walk out of the total, to find their own world.那时妈妈总是不让我在雨天出去玩,但我却又总偷偷地遛了出去,去寻找自己的天地。

8.Do your parents allow you to go out to play with your friends on weekends?你的父母亲允许你在周末出去和朋友玩吗?

9.If you're at a recital and your hands shake wildly, sit on your hands for a few minutes before you go out to play.如果你参加了一个独奏会,而你的手抖得厉害,请先坐在自己的双手上几分钟。

10.The weather is so fine that all the children want to go out to play.天气如此好,所有的孩子都想出去玩一会儿。