




1.和我约会吧 ... No,seriously. 不, 说真的 Go out with me. 和我约会吧 You know,I almost died today. 你知到, 我今天几乎要死了 ...

2.和我出去吧 3 Please date me. 请和我给会。 4 Go out with me. 和我出去吧。 5 Be my date. 和我约会吧。 ...

3.我们交往吧 ... 你是我的 You are mine. 我们交往吧 go out with me 我们去喝咖啡吧 let's go to a cafe ...


1.She says Ann has forbidden her to go out with me.她说安不许她同我外出。

2.You have to decide either to stay at home or to go out with me. There is no middle ground.你要么待在家里,要么跟我走,没有折中的办法。

3.You can convince her to go out with me.你可以说服她跟我约会

4.Eventually he plucked up the courage and said I was too experienced for him and that he couldn't go out with me.终于他鼓足勇气跟我吱唔道,对他而言,我的经验太丰富了,他消受不起。

5.Tied up? What's she doing? I wanted her to go out with me.她很忙?她在做什么?我想和她一起出去。

6.Joe and Lonny are both trying to go out with me.乔和朗尼两人都试着要约我出去。

7.Helen says her mother forbids her to go out with me.海伦说她母亲不允许她跟我外出。

8.Come on. This is perfect. You get to spend an hour with her every other day. You can convince her to go out with me.嘿,这样就太完美了。你隔一天就能和她一起呆上一个小时,你能帮我说服她和我约会啊。

9.You know, I almost died today. Yeah, I came, pke, this close. How would you feel if I died and you didn't get a chance to go out with me?你知道,我今天几乎要死了,是的,我来这感觉真的快了,如果我死了,你又和我没约会成,你会有何感受?。

10.He's a really pushy guy who's always hitting on me, and he wanna go out with me, but I don't find him attractive at all.他实在是个粗鲁的家伙,总是跟我搭讪。他想和我约会,但我一点都不喜欢他。