




1.睡吧 Go slowly. 慢慢地。 Go sleep. 睡吧。 Have a sweet dream. 做个好梦。 ...

2.高丝旅 爱客发的姊妹品牌「高丝旅」(go sleep)去年底也在汉口街开设新馆,西宁店的每间客房还设有洗衣机与烘衣机,非常贴心, …

3.考虑紧呢间考虑紧呢间(Go sleep )定Just sleep .实用相关搜寻: 旅行 高级会员 回覆 4# 的帖子 [按此打开][隐藏] 发短消息 加为好友

4.高丝旅时尚旅馆师兄, 发现最近又多一间叫 "高丝旅时尚旅馆" (Go Sleep),仲分西宁馆, 汉口馆,最事有蹊跷系, 如果你 cpck 佢右边"线上订房"功能, …


1.Chandler: All right, all right, I'll go sleep with my girlfriend. But I'm just doing it for you guys.好,那好吧,我这就去和我女朋友睡觉。但是,我这么做,只是为了你们。

2.The nightmare so frightened her that she could not to go sleep again.噩梦使她非常害怕,她再也睡不着了。

3.When the teacher announced to us that we would go for an spring outing the next night, I was so excited that I didn't go sleep until dawn.当老师告诉我们明天要去春游时,我兴奋地整夜合不上眼,直到凌晨才迷迷糊糊地入睡。

4.Since the lovely are sleeping, Go, sleep thou with them.让你在枝头憔悴;既然良伴已入睡,去与她们同眠吧。

5.Ray: The last thing I think about before I go sleep at night is finding the cure of my son. I have hope.雷:我睡觉之前思考的最后一件事是治愈我儿子的病。我有希望。

6.So they've got soccer, they've got basketball, they go sleep over at their friend's houses.所以她们可以去踢足球,打篮球,或者在朋友家留宿。

7.Anne: a pttle bit. I have to go sleep though I don't want.只是一点儿,虽然我不想,不过我得睡了。

8.It was a long time before I got go sleep again.我过了好长一段时间才有睡着了。

9.They thought for sure that he must go sleep of some kind.他们认为可以肯定,他必须去睡觉了一些实物。

10.I'm going to go sleep in my car.我要去我的车里睡觉了