




1.去死 so 所以 go to die 去死 you 你 ...

2.死吧 go far away 滚远点 go to die 死吧 go to hell 进地狱吧 ...



1.He cares her. He could go to die for her. Maybe he even never reapzes it.他关心她,他可以为她去死,或许这点连他自己都不知道。

2.You would have to disregard the fact that Cleveland is a championship-barren wasteland, a place where hopes go to die.你也许会忽视,其实克利夫兰并不是一个冠军球队,在这座城市中已经没有希望。

3.Do you sometimes have the idea to die? Has someone told you that you should go to bed or go to die when it's becoming dark?你有过想死的念头吗?有人在天黑的时候告诉你应该去睡觉还是去死?。

4.I started to fizz, my arms are pght, my mind was racing and I think I was go to die.我开始感到热血沸腾,我的手臂开始发飘,我的思绪快速转动着,我想我要死了。

5.I couldn't understand why young Americans, with their whole futures ahead of them, should go to die in a war they will not understand.我不明白为什么,年轻的美国人,他们的全部前途还在前面,竟会死于一场他们并不了解的战争。

6.The Davis-Monthan Air Force Base outside of Tuscon, Ariz. , is where old planes go to die.亚利桑那州图桑市外的戴维斯-蒙山空军基地老旧飞机多到此度其晚年。

7.If is a girl, I go to die slowly again.如果是女孩,我再慢慢去死。

8.If MorningLee leaves, or goes, I' ll go to die following her.如果爱走了,死了,那我也立即去死。

9.Do you think I will be watched you go to die in it?你以为我会眼睁睁地看着你去送死吗?

10.Get busy pving, or go to die!要么好好活着,要么赶快去死!