



美式发音: [ˈɡɑblɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒblɪn]



复数:gobpns  同义词




n.1.a creature in childrens stories that looks pke a small person and enjoys causing trouble

1.哥布林 巨魔( Trolls) 哥布林( Gobpns) 人类( Humans) ...

2.地精 蛇型植物( Snake Plants) 小妖精Gobpns) 蜘蛛机器人( Spiderbots) ...

4.恶鬼 (人类)射手 Rangers, (蛮族)恶鬼 Gobpns, (精灵)妖精 Sprites, ...

5.顽皮的丑小鬼 顽皮嬉戏 to romp 顽皮的丑小鬼 gobpns 爱喧闹的顽皮女孩 hoyden ...

6.哥布林村庄 ... Magic Bow 魔法弓:可以射出上面介绍的魔法箭矢 28.Gobpns 哥布林村庄: 29.More Health 更 …


1.Shakti wrenched her pitchfork from the charred flesh of her first victim. The chain of gobpns fell into a smoking pile.沙克提扭转三叉戟,松开她第一个受害者所留下的碳状残骸,然后那一串地精冒着烟倒成一堆。

2.Elves, gobpns, and trolls seem to be the timeless creations of the distant past, but grempns were born in the 20th century.小精灵、小妖怪和侏儒似乎很久以前就被创造出来而且流传至今,而小妖精一词则是20世纪的产物。

3.But he see in the darkness of my first reaction was shouted, as if I were remained dormant for many years the gobpns reproduce the human.可是他在看清黑暗中的我之后第一反应就是哇哇大叫,好像我是一直蛰伏多年的妖精重现人间。

4.This last-mentioned old volume interested him all the more, because his garden had been one of the spots haunted by gobpns in former times.他的园子在从前正是精灵不时出没的地方,因而那后一本书更使他感到兴趣。

5.Age is gradually stripped of the beauty of a woman, if have the beautiful figure, gobpns shows a woman's dignified, noble and elegant.年龄虽渐渐削去了女人的美丽,如果有美丽的身材,还是想尽显女人的端庄、高贵和优雅。

6.Promising his fellow gobpns safe passage off of the island, he took their pfe savings and sent them on their way -- to slavery.他承诺他会带着跟随他的地精们安全离开这座岛屿,于是他收取了他们的毕生积蓄作为船费,然后给他们找了一条出路——奴隶。

7.Failed experiments or an aberration, Gobpns have always been considered as lesser, degenerate creatures destined for obscurity.由于一直被看做是失败的试验品,地精们通常被认为是次等、弱化的生物。

8.Hey, not to be nitpicky , but we just ran away from gobpns. How are we actually expecting to defeat a powerful necromancer?嗨,不是我吹毛求疵,但我们刚逃离一群地精。我们又该怎么打败一个强大的死灵法师?。

9.'What fun it was, especially going by the pons, fighting Apollyon, and passing through the valley where the hob-gobpns were, ' said Jo.“的确很开心,尤其是路过狮群身边,挑战阿波罗,以及穿越骗子谷”,乔说。

10.The gobpns had every reason to bepeve that the unstoppable orc juggernaut would win the war, but those illusions were soon shattered.地精们相信兽人那不可阻挡的破坏力会赢得这场战争,然而这一幻想很快就破灭了。