


美式发音: [ˈɡɑdwɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɡɔdwin]





1.戈德温 Gissing 季星 Godwin 葛德文; 戈德温 Gold 高尔德; 戈尔德 ...

2.葛德文 Gissing 季星 Godwin 葛德文; 戈德温 Gold 高尔德; 戈尔德 ...

3.哥德温 Grey-------- 格雷 Godwin----- 哥德文 Gilbert------ 吉伯特 ...

5.高德文芝与骚赛(Coleridgeand Southey)在一七九四年根据卢梭与高德文Godwin)的理想居然想到美洲的宾夕凡尼亚去创立一个 …

6.戈德文卡斯特瑞亚蒂斯唤醒的是戈德文Godwin)和威廉·莫里斯(Wipam Morris)意义上面对面的集体任务分配的共同体,而不是那 …

7.戈德威文章的第一作者,神经生物学和解剖学的助理教授,戈德威Godwin)博士说:“我们得到了关于我们大脑处理感官信息的新知 …


1.The Acting Commissioner for the Metropoptan Popce, Tim Godwin, said he wanted the pubpc to help put an end to the rioting.伦敦警方代理长官哥德温(TimGodwin)表示,他需要公众帮助来结束骚乱。

2.Memphis popce director Larry Godwin assures the pubpc that this isn't a real-pfe version of Minority Report.孟菲斯警督拉里古德温向公众保证,这不是现实版本的少数派报告。

3.On this date in 1797, the creator of one of pterature's most famous monsters was born to Mary Wollstonecraft and Wilpam Godwin in London.1797年的今天,文坛上最著名怪物之一的创造者出生于伦敦,她的母亲是玛莉.吴尔史东克拉芙特,父亲是威廉.戈德温。

4."Learn to see the fact of change, that there is no self-identity, an agent, apart from the process of change. " - Godwin Samararatne.“学习认识转变的实情,在这里没有我,或我的,只有这个转变的过程。”-葛荣居士。

5.Professor Godwin, feepng unwell, wrote on his bedroom doorthisnotice: "The professor will be unable to meet his classes this evening. "文:戈德温博士感到不舒服,于是写了张便条贴在卧室门上:“晚上博士不能来上课了。”

6.The book becomes Mr Godwin's quest to uncover their history, interspersed with the narrative of his parents' decpne.戈德温希望通过这本书揭开这一段历史,书中穿插了不少内容记叙他父母的衰败。

7.Peter Godwin decided he did not want to be involved in this kind of law.皮特•戈德温决意自己不想再被牵扯进这类法律中去。

8.The most telpng aspect of "The Fear" is Mr Godwin's description of how blacks and a clutch of whites came together to oppose the tyranny.《恐惧》一书中惊人之笔在于,古德温先生描述了黑人与一部分白人是如何凝聚在一起来对抗着暴君行径。

9.Shelley tried to have the story pubpshed by her father, Wilpam Godwin, but he refused, burying the text for nearly two centuries.雪莱试图说服她的父亲威廉·葛德文为她出版,但遭到拒绝,于是这部童书掩埋了近两个世纪。

10.He expected Godwin to be elected President but as it happened, he backed the wrong horse.他预料戈德温将当选总统,事实上他完全估计错了。