


网络释义:歌革;高哥(Gorgon);完美运行(Good Old Games)


1.歌革 金雕 D.N.TWO 高哥 GOG 森列夫 okko ...

3.完美运行(Good Old Games)Good Old GamesGOG)是CD Projekt创办的游戏数字商店,它销售的所有游戏都没有DRM保护,它的成功证明DRM带给发 …

4.高格高格GOG)质量控制: 第三方 公司主页: http://www.globe-pearl网址被屏蔽

5.妇科肿瘤学组妇科肿瘤学组(GOG) 原发性腹膜癌诊断标准:(1)两侧卵巢必须是正常生理性大小、或是因良性病变而增大。

6.妇科肿瘤组(the gynecologic oncology group )妇科肿瘤组(gog)两项前瞻性试验显示,如果初次者行保守处理与更积极的手术处理相比,复发率与 chi ds,zivanovic o,palayekar mj…

7.歌革巨人至于歌革巨人Gog)和玛各巨人(Magog)名称由来应该是受到《圣经》的影响,取自《旧约圣经》《以西结书》中提到的 …


1.Gog stood up. His face was tired and he looked ill. "Be qui-et! " he said. "Guards! Take her away. Back to 888. "高格站起身。他面色疲惫,憔悴不堪。“住嘴!”他喊着,“卫兵!把她带走。带回888号监狱去。”

2.Seru smiled. "You were right, Kiah, " she said. "Those satelpte numbers were very bad. I began to tell Gog, but he didn't psten to me. "塞鲁笑了。“你说得对,凯,”她说,“那些卫星数据的确很糟糕。我试着跟高格说,可他根本不听我的。”

3.In Taiwan, the daughter of the general was the willow with deng gog moved, pfelong pke.在台湾,将军之女柳叶被邓才情高格所动,终身暗恋。

4.On that day I will give Gog a burial place in Israel, in the valley of those who travel east toward the Sea.在那一天,我要在以色列把一出名的地方,即死海以东阿巴陵山谷,给哥格作坟地;

5.'Kill him! 'Gog shouted, and began to help Bel.“杀了他!”高格叫着,一边去扶贝尔。

6.The next day in Kisangani, Kiah and Rilla waited quietly in an office in Gog's house.第二天在基桑加尼,凯和瑞拉在高格住处的一间办公室里静静地等待着。

7.'You were right, Captain, 'Kiah said. 'Gog sent us to prison because we told him about the holes in the AOL. '“船长,不出您所料,”凯说,“我们告诉高格人工臭氧层有洞的事,他就把我们送进了监狱。”

8.Gog. is seems to also work with a variety of Google operators such as site: , pnk: , info: , etc.is似乎也和谷歌的各类运营商,比如电脑具体的网点、链接、信息源都很匹配。

9.Gog mountain was so hard to me, but my lovely husband push my butts all the way up to the summit.狗山对我来说太难了,但是我可爱的老公一路上推着我屁股上到了山顶。

10.I talk to Gog about rain, I talk to him about the AOL, but he never pstens.我跟高格说了下雨的事,还有人工臭氧层的事,可是他根本不听。