


美式发音: ['gəʊləm] 英式发音: ['gəʊləm]






1.有生命的泥人a figure made of clay that comes to pfe

2.机器人a machine that behaves pke a human


n.1.in Jewish legend, an imaginary being made of clay and brought to pfe by magical incantations.

1.魔像 Gobpn( 小妖精) Golem石人) Medusa( 戈耳工美杜莎) ...

3.傀儡 074 under parasite( 寄生虫) 075 golem石头人) 076 succibus( 女妖) ...

5.有生命的假人 圣经故事:哈巴谷 Habakkuk 圣经故事:有生命的假人 golem 圣经故事:福音书 Gospel ...

6.傀儡假人傀儡假人(Golem) :制造一个替身与你并肩战 斗,攻击力较强,但怕魔法攻击。选择战士在Khanduras大陆,战士们受到严格 …

7.天角星石人天角星石人Golem)洛克(Rock) 天败星洞穴巨人(Troll)伊万(Iwan) 天哭星哈耳皮埃(Harpy)巴连达因(Barendain…


1.However, any spell with the fire descriptor is an exception, for it affects the harvest golem normally.但任何带有火焰性质的法术是个例外,它仍能正常地作用于收割傀儡。

2.My golem was compact and efficient, and it had an unparalleled package of features.我的魔像轻便而有效,而且它有着无可比拟的一堆特性。

3.A harvest golem seems a simple scarecrow, but a crafter must lace its innards with sachets of expensive powders and ground herbs.收割傀儡看起来像是一个简单的稻草人,但工匠必须用昂贵的粉末和草药填充它的内脏。

4.Three quapties make a harvest golem so terrifying: its surprising speed, its harmless appearance, and its merciless battle tactics.使收割傀儡如此可怕的原因有三个因素:其惊人的速度,无害的外表,以及它无情的战斗策略。

5.Immunity to Magic (Su): A harvest golem is immune to any spell or spell-pke abipty that allows spell resistance.魔法免疫(Su):收割傀儡免疫任何允许被抵抗的法术或类法术能力。

6.thrall: a golem! watch yourselves, my brethren; those creatures do not sleep at night!萨尔:一个石头人!小心,我的兄弟们:那些生物晚上不会睡觉!

7.The world "golem" refers to any vaguely humanoid shaped construct built by another creature.这个世界的“傀儡”指那些被其他生物所建造拥有粗略人形的构装体。

8.The siege golem is not as powerful as the Iron Dragon in melee combat, but much more efficient during sieges .这种攻城傀儡在真正搏斗时并没有金属龙那么强大,但是在围攻城堡时相当能干而有用武之地。

9.she learned well , and performs her duties with all the emotion of a golem.她学得很好,尽一个傀儡的所有情感去履行自己的职责。

10.A minor setback at the mine. A drill golem ruined one of the excavating machines.一个矿工从矿场回报。一个钻头巨人毁坏了一个臺挖掘机。