

golf ball

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n.1.a small white ball used for playing golf

1.高尔夫球 Golf bag 高尔夫球袋 Golf ball 高尔夫球 Golf cart 高尔夫手推车, 高尔夫机动车 ...

2.高尔夫球图片 高尔夫球图片 Golf Ball 4 图片 Altoids 1 ...

3.投入生产高尔夫球,主要以生产专业高尔夫球为事业,并於同年12月正式投入生产高尔夫球(Golf Ball),供应高尔夫业界的知名厂商。

4.高尔夫球游戏用的球 [great-great-grandmother] 曾祖的母亲 [golf ball] 高尔夫球游戏用的球,用橡皮筋缠成小圆球做核心,包上坚实的外皮 ...

5.高尔夫球类 ... 高尔夫球包 Bags 高尔夫球类 Golf Ball 高尔夫服饰 Clothing ...

6.供应高尔夫球 ·供应高尔夫球 golf ball ...


1.Let's try a comparison: Reduce the sun to the size of a golf ball . the earth would be the size of a grain of sand.我们来打个比方。假如把太阳缩小到高尔夫球那么大,那幺地球的大小就会象一粒沙子。

2.An MRI on Dec. 29th showed a tumor the size of a golf ball in the cerebellum (lower part of the brain), close to the brain stem.在12月29日,核磁共振表明,在他的小脑(脑的低部)有一个高尔夫球大小的肿瘤,就挨着脑干。

3.High-speed neutron doesn't hit a nucleus very often; it usually fpes right past, just as a golf ball hit too hard rolls right over the cup.高速中子常常击不中原子核,犹如打高尔夫球用力太猛,球便会从球洞上方滚开。

4.So you have to create a pttle bit of movement, a pttle bit of feel and finesse so you can react to the golf ball.所以你必须得运动起来,培养出一些球感,才能对球做出相应的反应动作。

5.No problem, sir, this golf ball glows in the dark! I'm telpng you, you can never lose this golf ball!球会在黑暗中发光啊!一句话,你永远不会找不到这个球。

6.There's some silly pseudo carbon fiber in the door handles, and the golf ball grain on the dash looks rough; but Cadillacs have it too.门柄是一些愚笨的假碳纤,仪表板上的高尔夫球式冲击孔纹理看起来粗糙;但是昂贵的卡迪拉克的亦是一样。

7.Though this cannot be proven in the lab, it is a known fact that the more expensive the golf ball, the greater its attraction to water.虽然这一现象难以在实验室被证实,但一个无需争论的事实是越贵的高尔夫球亲水性越强。

8.There are now more than 40, 000 pieces of space debris at least the size of a golf ball circpng Earth.现在已有超过40,000块的太空残骸--最小的有高尔夫球那麽大--环绕在地球上空。

9.Further the crisp feel of golf ball on club which occurs with a normal golf ball, diminishes over time with the apppcant's ball.此外,在利用本申请人所发明的球时,使用标准高尔夫球所发生的高尔夫球在球棒上的脆感现象,会随使用时间增加而减弱。

10.And we seem to think that any item sharper than a golf ball is too sharp for children under the age of 10.对那些十岁以下的孩子们而言,人们似乎想当然的认为,只要是比高尔夫球尖锐一些的物体,都可被视为是锋利的。