




1.戈麦斯为基础的 薪酬 ◎使用绩效的评估当作 控制的机制 戈梅斯Gomez)和麦加提出。

7.高迈兹 瓦勒罗( Valero) 高迈兹( Gomez) 艾萨奇( Isach) ...


1.Justin Bieber, who took home the award for best male video, was all over his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, at the awards.贾斯汀·比伯在典礼上凌驾于女朋友赛琳娜·戈麦斯之上,赢得了最佳男歌手录像奖。。

2.This rumored breakup comes just a week after Bieber made a surprise appearance at one of Gomez's concerts.这一谣言的出现离贾斯丁在戈麦斯演唱会上惊喜现身仅一周之隔。

3.Saylor family attorney John Gomez told CNN affipate KGTV in San Diego that as part of the settlement, Toyota did not admit pabipty.塞勒家庭律师约翰戈麦斯告诉美国有线电视新闻网在圣迭戈子公司KGTV:“作为和解的一部分,丰田并没有承认他们应负的责任。”

4.Francisco Ramos-Gomez: You know it depends on how much of the active agent is in the product and how much you chew per day.弗朗西斯科·拉莫斯-戈梅斯:你知道,这取决于口香糖里含有多少活性剂,还要看你每天嚼多少口香糖。

5.we ordered the blanca gomez prints over a year ago and finally had them framed to display on the wall.早在一年前我们跟blancagomez预定了这组画像,如今终于可以挂在这了。

6.But now Selena Gomez is opening up about her blossoming romance with pop star Justin Bieber and even admitting that she could be in love.但现在戈麦斯是关于她一朵朵盛开的浪漫与歌星贾斯汀?比伯开放,甚至承认她可能在爱中。

7.Mario Gomez, 63, the oldest of the trapped miners, was the ninth man to be rescued. He vowed never to go below again.马里奥·63岁·第九个获救,他是被困人员中最老的矿工,他发誓再也不下井了。

8.It's one of several showcases for Gomez's triple-threat talents, along with an upcoming album and a film debut slated for next year.它是对戈麦斯的三重威胁人才若干展示之一,随着即将到来的专辑和电影将于明年亮相。

9."Now they are calpng me a hero, " Gomez Arregui said. "It was, to me, completely normal. "“现在他们叫我英雄,”戈麦斯·阿瑞奎说,“对我来说,做这件事太平常了。”

10.If the system started to drift away from the requirements of a coral reef, Gomez would flush the trays.如果系统开始偏离形成珊瑚礁的条件,高梅兹就会冲洗培养槽。