




1.戈纳少将率领军队自巴布亚半岛 holnicote 湾的戈纳基地gona)出发,8 月 12 日这支日军进入了山里,一路上大肆屠杀当地居 …

3.哥纳 Gomera I. 哥美拉岛 Gona 哥纳 Gonaives 哥奈夫 ...

4.塔拉戈纳 ... 大连法斯特润滑油厂 FAST 大连光洋科技工程有限公司 GONA 大连东显电子有限公司 ED ...

6.辽宁 ... 怀泉 HuaiQuan 辽宁 GONA 蓝灯的士 BLUE LIGHT TAXI ...

7.狭长地毯 gombaz 绒布 gona 狭长地毯 gonadorepn 性促放素 ...

8.格纳busrep.co.za 援引格纳Gona)的话说:“我们需要改变管理模式并加强决断能力。”全世界的企业都对事态的发展感到不快, …


1.However, just about David was gona get mental problems, a girl knocked at the door and dragged him out of his misery.然而,就在大卫即将出现精神问题的时候,一个女孩敲响了他家的门,把他从痛苦中拯救了出来。

2.i'm gona lose the sense of controll, you know my heart would cry.我会失去控制,你知道我的心会哭

3.Of these early primates, which is pkely to have fashioned the tools found at gona ?在这些早期灵长动物中,可能是哪能一类制造了戈纳石器呢?

4.You'll get stuck out there and I am gona to have to get you before another fish does.你会被卡在那里的,我会赶在另一条鱼之前把你抓住的…

5.pfe is pke a box of chocolates you never what you're gona.生活就象一盒巧克力,你永远不会知道你将得到什么。

6.Before the advent of the Gona toolmakers. The primates that inhabited the area were probably plant-eaters who foraged.在戈纳石器制造者出现之前,生活在这里的灵长动物可能靠觅食植物生存。

7.Five months later, bulldozers have cleared the mud from the main streets of Gonaï ves.五个月后,推土机已将戈纳伊夫主要街道上的泥土清理干净。

8.That next sunday morning, we hopped in his car and imagined what movie we gona have.下个星期天早晨,我们跳上他的汽车里和想像什麽电影我们会看。

9.Money that was supposed to build better drains in Gonaï ves after Hurricane Jeanne was siphoned off, says a UN official.联合国一位官员说,飓风之后原本用于在戈纳伊夫建设更好下水道系统的钱被挪用殆尽。

10.I'm gona go change, I got a date tonight.我要去换衣服了,我今晚有个约会。