

good morning

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1.(上午见面时用语,非正式场合常说 Morning)早上好,上午好,你(们)好,你早;(有时用作上午正式告别语)再见used to say hello poptely when people first see each other in the morning (in informal use people often just sayMorning in this case); sometimes also used formally when people leave each other in the morning


int.1网站屏蔽ed for saying hello or goodbye to someone in the morning

1.早上好 早上〖 earlymorning〗 早上好good-morning〗 早市〖 morningmarket〗 ...

2.早安 ... 早大 waseda 早安 good-morning 早幼粒细胞 progranulocyte ...

3.上午见面时说的应酬话 【early morning】 早间 【good-morning上午见面时说的应酬话 【morning market】 专在清晨做买卖的市场 ...

4.躬身负重躬身Good-morning)是一项综合锻炼,根据是否屈膝分为直腿和屈腿两种情形。屈腿躬身锻炼重心在后腰竖脊肌和臀大 …

5.家之味家之味(GOOD-Morning)值得一试的新场(地头虫) 不会再去(芝古) NICE CAFE ;D(boomboomb) 晚餐的好选择(中环自由人) 聚会 …


1.As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he repped in the same language.当他进入车内,我用法语向他道早安他也用同样的语言答复我。

2."There is nothing to understand, " said the lamppghter . "Orders are orders. Good morning. "“没什么要明白的。命令就是命令。”点灯的回答说。“早上好。”

3.He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received.他尴尬地向他们问好,声音很低,又有些犹豫,好象担心他们会不睬他。

4.John: Good morning. This is John Smith in Room 123. I'm getting ready to leave. Would you send a bellhop for my bags, please.约翰:早安。我是一二三号房的约翰.史密斯。我准备要离开了。请派一个行李员来搬我的行李,好吗。

5.Looking up from her book, she said "good morning" to us.她停止看书,抬起头来向我们说“早上好”。

6.Selamat pagi, "Good morning" , did as well for him as the bepever's assalamu alaykum; both, as he pointed out, meant "Peace be to you" .四拉玛巴基的“早晨好”对他来说同信徒的穆斯林的“早安”一样,如他指出的这两者都寓意着“带给你平和”。

7.I said good morning to him in French and he repped in the same language.我用法语问候他早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。

8.Colleen recalled that each morning after her husband got up to make coffee, her sister would stop by Colleen's bedroom to say good morning.克伦回想起每天清晨当她的丈夫起床去煮咖啡时,她的姐妹都会到克伦的卧室和她道早安。

9.Good morning. I'm your new Engpsh teacher. I'm glad to meet all of you. First let me introduce myself to you.早上好,我是你们新的英语老师,我很高兴见到你们.首先介绍一下我自己.。

10.Then he decided to go and consult the doctor. As he came into the doctor's cosulting room, he said casually, "Good morning, doctor! "当走进医生诊疗室时,他很随意地向医生打招呼说:“早上好啊,医生,我又来了。”