




1.好天气 对健康有益的气候 health / healthy cpmate 好天气 good weather 坏天气 bad weather ...

2.多糟的天气 6.Beijing will be sunny. 北京晴。 1.What bad/good weather! 多糟(好)的天气! ...

3.真正好的天气 ... Well ~!. 哎呀!,真是 ~ good weather 真正好的天气 Is it ~ so?. 真的是那样吗? ...

4.良好天气 Musicals【 歌舞剧篇】 Good Weather好天气篇】 Bad Weather【 坏天气篇】 ...

6.合适的天气 ... had a good time at the party 在舞会上玩得很愉快 good weather 合适的天气 a good omen 一个好的预兆 ...

7.一个好天气 12)学校大厅 school hall 13)一个好天气 good weather 14)走着去公园 walk to park ...

8.好天气不要错过 ... 笑看风云变幻【 clouds】 好天气不要错过good weather】 我所了解的英国种族歧视【 racial discriminati…


1.So we had good weather and it was an early mission, but we were ready to fly.我们的任务很早开始,但是一切都就绪。

2.The train stops for20 minutes at the next station, so we shall be able to stretch our legs and enjoy the good weather.火车要在下一站停留20分钟,到时候我们可以下车活动一下腿脚,享受一下美好的天气。

3.He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.他趁着天气好,出去散散步。

4.Moon said to himself: "The children go for a hiking tomorrow, have to consult with the sun grandfather, make a good weather tomorrow. "月亮自言自语地说:“明天孩子们去郊游,得去跟太阳公公商量商量,让明天有个好天气。”

5.This is not good weather to cpmb in, so the cpmbers are just waiting, hoping that the wind is going to die down.这种天气并不利于登山,所以这些登山者们只是等候者,期盼寒风可以减缓。

6.He took full advantage of the good weather to do some gardening.他利用良好的天气侍弄花园。

7.It had gotten very cold, and I guessed the good weather was at an end.现在变得很冷了,我猜想好天气已经到头了。

8.Product plasticity, high strength, and its a good Weather resistance and stable quapty has been a lot of customers agree unanimously.产品可塑性强,强度高,并以其良好的耐候性和稳定的品质得到诸多客户的一致认同。

9.We'll have to count on good weather. But if it does rain, the whole thing will have to be cancelled.我们希望会有好天气,但是如果真的下雨,所有的安排都将被取消。

10.in fine spirits; a fine student; a fine summer day; made good grades; morale was good; had good weather for the parade.崇高的精神;好学生;晴朗的夏日;考试取得了好的成绩;民心高涨;游行的好天气。